POTs vs optical encoders accuracy for motor control?
Most high end servo motors I've seen·have an optical encoder with 10 to 13 bit (1024-8192 pulses) resolution per revolution.
What kind of accuracy can I reasonably expect with a POT mounted on a rotating gear shaft?· I can use a high resolution 12bit dac but at what point is repeatable accuracy governed by temperature or other uncontrollable effects?
I've been playing with a simple voltage divider and notice fluctuations of 1-2 digits with an 8bit dac.· Is this common?·
Can I improve on this with some sort of wheatstone bridge circuit?
Absolute conversion of the resistance isn't necessary as I just want to build a lookup table that "dac value of 97=10.5 degrees rotation", etc but it seems a bit noisy even when just sitting still.
Also, is there a source of inexpensive high resolution optical encoders out there (absolute or incremental)?· I would think this is a very high demand product but most optical encoders I've seen that you mount to the end of a rotating shaft are in the $250 range where I can buy a POT with a gear on the end of the shaft for like $1.
Thanks for any help!
What kind of accuracy can I reasonably expect with a POT mounted on a rotating gear shaft?· I can use a high resolution 12bit dac but at what point is repeatable accuracy governed by temperature or other uncontrollable effects?
I've been playing with a simple voltage divider and notice fluctuations of 1-2 digits with an 8bit dac.· Is this common?·
Can I improve on this with some sort of wheatstone bridge circuit?
Absolute conversion of the resistance isn't necessary as I just want to build a lookup table that "dac value of 97=10.5 degrees rotation", etc but it seems a bit noisy even when just sitting still.
Also, is there a source of inexpensive high resolution optical encoders out there (absolute or incremental)?· I would think this is a very high demand product but most optical encoders I've seen that you mount to the end of a rotating shaft are in the $250 range where I can buy a POT with a gear on the end of the shaft for like $1.
Thanks for any help!
People can and so make their own encoders, it is rewarding work that teaches you the appreciation for the accuracy required. Have a peek at··http://www.qsl.net/oe5jfl/encoder.htm··· and http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/pmitros/encoder/
·"If you build it, they will come."
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
but it costs $75 a pop.
Isn't there something like that but a lot cheaper?
I'm kind of shocked the are priced so high for something that seems so easy to manufacture on a mass scale. I would imagine you could easily make that sort of thing on a MEMs fabrication factory and pump them out at fractions of a cent each.
Building my own seems like reinventing the wheel. Certainly I cannot reproduce the accuracy of the encoder disc they can make in a clean room with a robot.
However, I do remember a long time ago, optical encoder discs inside a $10 mouse with a mechanical ball so that can't be that exotic either.
The US Digital S5 seems ideal for my needs. I would just mount a little gear sprocket on it and attach it to my motor to get a very accurate reading.
That said, both the S5 and motors with built in encoders are expensive.
Is there no hobby supply of inexpensive encoders and motors with encoders?
When you spend 10 times what it cost to build it yourself - That's when it becomes a HOBBY !
You get what you pay for. The encoders you referenced are designed for volume control / tone control use and have at most 24 positions per revolution.
When you spend 10 times what it cost to build it yourself - That's when it becomes a HOBBY !
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
PWM absolute output is way better than the S4 quadrature output since you'd probably need a dedicate chip with interrupt and counter to not miss a pulse http://www.usdigital.com/products/encoders/incremental/rotary/shaft/s4/
The S4 is more reasonably priced at $46 but still high.
Doesn't anyone make products like US Digital but cheaper?
I doubt anyone pays $46 for an encoder unless it's a $1000+ part.
I would think $5-10 would be a reasonable price. An encoder so much easier to assemble than a winding a motor and you can buy motors for $1.
Seems very hobbiest friendly and slips right onto the shaft of any motor.
The upcoming AMT 202 and 203 with SPI output looks very nice compared to other options.
Also rolling your own is not that hard and then you can customize. I made some nice encoders using Hammamatsu emitters/detectors ($5) and laser-printed encoder disks that I spray mounted to old CD discks. Total cost was about $7 (but it did take some time -- if the U.S. Digital's would have fit my motors I would have used them on that project, I think).
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
· This article shows how to construct your own, it you are up for it. I have made 3 sets and they all
work great. This set-up is for· Pittman motors. The Hamatsu parts are about $2.00 each,·using two for each motor for a quadrature out-put. Very clean signal.· They are not as difficult to build as they look, with few
parts.·· John
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Some interesting alternatives to the Hamamatsu module:
$1.19·· http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=246
appears to be only IR LED/PTX, no filter or Schmidt trigger
Pololu has digital and analog output sensors, $3.49 for a single or $15 for an 8-sensor array at http://www.pololu.com/catalog/category/7.·If you·have room for a·LARGE encoder disk several inches in diameter (0.375" per ring) you could use this array to read your 8-bit encoder disk directly.
·"If you build it, they will come."
10K pots· 3/$15 http://cgi.ebay.com/Vishay-Spectrol-Precision-Potentiometers-3_W0QQitemZ140268695727QQihZ004QQcategoryZ47076QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem·
joystick $55· http://cgi.ebay.com/PRECISION-JOYSTICK-WITH-POTENTIOMETERS-MADE-BY-BOWMAR_W0QQitemZ260288637961QQihZ016QQcategoryZ55834QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem·
They will certainly last longer and give more consistent and reliable results than the $2 "Shack" pots. Of course, the amount of accuracy required in any application is a major consideration. Regular servos with cheap analog pots work well for a lot of applications. This original post mentioned optical encoders with 10-13 bit accuracy, that's likely overkill for many apps.
·"If you build it, they will come."