Parallax standard servo
how do you get this servo to reverse I have tried what is in the book and only can get it to swing one direction
The Badger
how do you get this servo to reverse I have tried what is in the book and only can get it to swing one direction
The Badger
When you say "the book," do you mean What's a Microcontroller, Chapter 4? If that is not what you mean - start there first.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
thanks for the code and the advise and yes i mint the what is a microcontroller but it is late and i do take a lot of pain meds due to my disabilities and i just did not read far enough ahead. i think i skipped that section I am sorry to have jumped the gun.. i will lean
the Badger