Parallax Servo Controller HELP
Hi all, My·Servo Controller just arrived - but I now have even more questions
I ASSUMED (bad word that one) when i read the documentation on the parallax site that the controller would let me pre program sequences that could be called as routines from a BS2 - this i now know is not the case (i need to have a PC connected to the USB to achieve this)
Question 1 - has anyone worked out how to use this USB sequencing function from a basic stamp (no PC connected) this would be fantastic especially with walking bots
Question 2 - I am yet to play with the controller but i ASSUME (that word again) that i can
1- send a command to the PSC from the BS2 - "move forward"
2- send other commands to the PSC for other servos - i.e. rotate 90deg rotate back to 0deg
3- mean while the forward servo will still be·moving forward until a command is sent to stop it
Question 3 - prior to running out of I/O - i was using to navigate and know where my robot was a grid system i.e. a move forward was timed at x seconds for y distance (Using Parallax continuous rotating servos) and a turn was measured in the same way "x- y Co ordinance grid". As the BS2 did not progress to the next program line till this movement was completed.
However as the PSC allows other things to be done by the BS2 while moving forward my timing navigation is now U/S
I now need to work out how to navigate a different way.
# GPS is no good as the bot is indoors
# I have no input positions left on the BS2 to count wheel rotation pulses
# If I am doing other things with the·BS2·while bot is moving forward, i will not be able to get back to the PSC at a fixed time interval to measure distance/movement.
Any ideas would be appreciated - i can only think of 2 at the moment
1- sit and wait at program line to measure time/movement (this is a waste of the PSC ability to allow the BS2 to do other things while the servo is operating)
2- the PSC documentation mentions "RSP Command - Report Position of a servo channel" - maybe i could use this feature to count the rotation of the servo ????
I ASSUMED (bad word that one) when i read the documentation on the parallax site that the controller would let me pre program sequences that could be called as routines from a BS2 - this i now know is not the case (i need to have a PC connected to the USB to achieve this)
Question 1 - has anyone worked out how to use this USB sequencing function from a basic stamp (no PC connected) this would be fantastic especially with walking bots
Question 2 - I am yet to play with the controller but i ASSUME (that word again) that i can
1- send a command to the PSC from the BS2 - "move forward"
2- send other commands to the PSC for other servos - i.e. rotate 90deg rotate back to 0deg
3- mean while the forward servo will still be·moving forward until a command is sent to stop it
Question 3 - prior to running out of I/O - i was using to navigate and know where my robot was a grid system i.e. a move forward was timed at x seconds for y distance (Using Parallax continuous rotating servos) and a turn was measured in the same way "x- y Co ordinance grid". As the BS2 did not progress to the next program line till this movement was completed.
However as the PSC allows other things to be done by the BS2 while moving forward my timing navigation is now U/S
I now need to work out how to navigate a different way.
# GPS is no good as the bot is indoors
# I have no input positions left on the BS2 to count wheel rotation pulses
# If I am doing other things with the·BS2·while bot is moving forward, i will not be able to get back to the PSC at a fixed time interval to measure distance/movement.
Any ideas would be appreciated - i can only think of 2 at the moment
1- sit and wait at program line to measure time/movement (this is a waste of the PSC ability to allow the BS2 to do other things while the servo is operating)
2- the PSC documentation mentions "RSP Command - Report Position of a servo channel" - maybe i could use this feature to count the rotation of the servo ????
Sure you can program sequences into the BASIC Stamp and call them from a subroutine and send them to the PSC. You just can’t do it from the Windows software. However you can use the values from those sequences to generate code versions on the BS2.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering