Strange Behavior of IR head lights???
I have two boe bot robots, on one of them i install IR head light and run the programm given in manual for testing with two LEDs. But my one of the LED blinks continuously, while·other is behaving correctly.
One more important thing. i have soldered·each IR headlights on a small wire board. now one headlight is ok while other is showing blinking behaviour. when i replace their positions then same thing happen·same thing happen·on two other boe·bot
then i check IR interference usin sniffer code. my one boe-bot shows interference while other not.
After that i made·one more headlight·again but·LED is·also blinking on it.
i·made same ciruit on wiro board as shown in manual.
i am very amused because the whole circuit consists of one IR diode, one detector, one 1Kohms resistor and one 220 ohm resistor. But still behaving differently.
some time the·ciruit which is working properly starts behaving·oddly(means blinking).
Please help
Post Edited (Shy) : 8/21/2008 9:19:02 AM GMT
I have two boe bot robots, on one of them i install IR head light and run the programm given in manual for testing with two LEDs. But my one of the LED blinks continuously, while·other is behaving correctly.
One more important thing. i have soldered·each IR headlights on a small wire board. now one headlight is ok while other is showing blinking behaviour. when i replace their positions then same thing happen·same thing happen·on two other boe·bot
then i check IR interference usin sniffer code. my one boe-bot shows interference while other not.
After that i made·one more headlight·again but·LED is·also blinking on it.
i·made same ciruit on wiro board as shown in manual.
i am very amused because the whole circuit consists of one IR diode, one detector, one 1Kohms resistor and one 220 ohm resistor. But still behaving differently.
some time the·ciruit which is working properly starts behaving·oddly(means blinking).
Please help
Post Edited (Shy) : 8/21/2008 9:19:02 AM GMT
i have attached test set up figure.
please not i have solder IR headlight on wiroboard, as i explained earlier