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what do I need to get started in Propeller? — Parallax Forums

what do I need to get started in Propeller?

basicstampedebasicstampede Posts: 214
edited 2008-08-20 03:10 in Propeller 1
Hello.· I have the Pro Development Board (which I use for BS2) along with RS232 cable, power supply for the Pro board.·

I would like to start experimenting with Propeller.

What is else do I need to buy in order to start learing about Propeller?· (I hope the Pro board accepts Propeller).

Thanks in advance.


  • Brian218Brian218 Posts: 92
    edited 2008-08-18 02:50
    Unfortunately the PDB wasn't designed for the Propeller.

    To get started you need a programmer, such as the prop clip, a propeller chip, eeprom, and a few components. This is the way I experiment with the Prop; I have all the components mounted on a breadboard, and this setup works well for me. This is probably the cheapest way to get started. Check out the sticky posts at the top of the propeller forum, there is a ton of good info there.

    You can also buy the Propeller proto board, which can be programmed with the prop clip. I've also used this the only draw back is you need to solder connectors/headers to the I/O pins on the circuit board.

    Another option is the propeller demo board, which is programmed with a USB?? cable (I think the cable comes with the board). This board has a lot of experimental components (LEDs, VGA/Mouse/keyboard connectors) already mounted. The only real drawback is a number of the I/O pins are used by the other components on the board.

    Either buy or download the propeller manual in the download page from the main Parallex page.

    I hope this helps,
    Good luck!
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2008-08-18 03:08
    If you want to get started cheaply, I'd recommend a Protoboard/Propplug.
    (There are two "Getting Started" guides in my .sig below.)

    However, you will need to do some soldering to get things to an interesting level.

    If you want to skip the soldering, you might look at the Demoboard Kit
    which will give you video/VGA/keyboard/mouse/audio connections, but
    you will be limited to 8 additional I/O for other experimenting.

    If you like KITS, there's always SpinStudio from which
    does require soldering, but has many addon cards and comes complete
    with everything except the Propplug.

    There's a variety of Propeller options which cover just about every desire
    these days. Even a new Propeller Developement Board. A little pricey
    compared to a demoboard, but offers a lot of functionality.


    New to the Propeller?

    Getting started with a Propeller Protoboard?
    Check out: Introduction to the Proboard & Propeller Cookbook 1.4
    Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to:
    Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
  • Nick McClickNick McClick Posts: 1,003
    edited 2008-08-18 04:16
    If you're like me, you'll get tired of the PDF manual & eventually want a hard copy of it. Parallax sells it for $35, or with a demoboard for $100.

    Concentrate on understanding the problem, not applying the tool
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2008-08-18 05:51
    The printed manual is an excellent idea, I support that. (I printed the assembler reference two times, one for work, one for home).

    Either one of the pre-built boards parallax sells or do it yourself with some components and a soldering iron. You do not need much more than the programmer (is a FT232 plus a transistor) and a propeller chip.

    Visit the propeller wiki @ it contains a wealth of information in one accessible place.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2008-08-19 16:42
    It is possible to use the PDB for experiemnting with the Propeller, take a look at the Propeller Education Kit material. If you replicate the setup described in the PE Kit, you can use the breadboard space on your PDB to experiment with the Propeller.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 8/19/2008 5:07:29 PM GMT
  • AleksAleks Posts: 52
    edited 2008-08-19 17:23
    I am using the PDB myself, and all I did was buy the Spin Stamp and a Prop Clip to program it with. You can't program via RS232, so disregard that entire port completely

    ~Some men see things as they are and ask "why?"
    I dream of things that never were and ask "why not?"~
  • rjo_rjo_ Posts: 1,825
    edited 2008-08-20 03:10
    Depends on where you live... if you are anywhere near Ohio and can get to OBC's meeting in Norwalk on the 23rd, for the price of admission you will get everything you need...


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