tell me what I am doing wrong.

I am using a MAX7219. I am trying to place a·decimal point with digit number 2. But instead, the display drops brightness, and locks digit 2. What am I missing.
We all make mistakes when we are young………That’s why paste is edible!
sensor CON 0 DATA_n CON 1 CLK CON 2 Load CON 3 decode CON 9 brite CON 10 scan CON 11 switch CON 12 test CON 15 max_dat VAR Word index VAR Nib temp VAR Nib nonZ VAR Bit dispVal VAR Word odd VAR index.BIT0 DP VAR index.BIT3 OUTS = 0 DIRS = $000E FOR index = 0 TO 7 LOOKUP index,[noparse][[/noparse]scan,2,brite,15,decode,$7,switch,1],max_dat SHIFTOUT DATA_n,CLK,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]max_dat] IF odd = 0 THEN noLoad PULSOUT Load,1 NoLoad: NEXT Loop: GOSUB MaxDisplay COUNT sensor,2930,dispVal GOTO LOOP MaxDisplay: nonZ = 0 FOR index = 3 TO 1 GOSUB ADD_DP SHIFTOUT DATA_n,CLK,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]index] temp = dispVal DIG (index-1) IF temp = 0 THEN skip1 nonZ = 1 skip1: IF nonZ = 1 OR temp <> 0 OR index <= 2 THEN skip2 temp = 15 skip2: SHIFTOUT DATA_n,CLK,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]temp] PULSOUT Load,5 NEXT RETURN ADD_DP: IF index = 2 THEN ADD_DP1 RETURN ADD_DP1: DP = 1 RETURN
We all make mistakes when we are young………That’s why paste is edible!
Please give a link to the dislplay that you are using
··Thanks for any·
We all make mistakes when we are young………That’s why paste is edible!
What LED Display are you using can post a link to it
··Thanks for any·
We all make mistakes when we are young………That’s why paste is edible!
The code for the Binary / Digital Clock uses the decimal points for the colons in the display. You should be able to see how I turn them on/off by simply setting a bit in the data sent out to the MAX7219. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering