BS2e to BS2 comunication
Hi trying to learn how to comunicate between 2 basic stamps - have used sample circuit in basic stamp editor (serin - serout "hello world") but am getting no where - have a BS2e as master and a BS2 as slave any ideas would be appreciated
SI············· PIN·····1·············· ' serial input
FC············· PIN·····0
Jeff T.
NOTE to paralax PLEASE FIX the error
- Stephen
Jeff T.
Help file SERIN is ok but help file SEROUT has the following error
SERIN SI/FC, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]letter] - the "/" should be the other way "\"
as well as the pins are wrong in the slave code should be as bellow
SI PIN 1 ' serial input
Thanks for all the help guys - my 2 stamps are having a great time talking to each other
Now to work on BS2's talking to a SpeakJet Chip lol