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showing the realtime data fromscontrollers in one page. — Parallax Forums

showing the realtime data fromscontrollers in one page.

ErikErik Posts: 31
edited 2008-08-19 02:51 in General Discussion

·we must monitor 3 elevators in realtime is there an way to use the sxcontroller for that. we must show the data from·3 controllers in realtime in one page.

for example to open the discussing; measure the temp on three different places·and want to show them in one pages on a screen in realtime.

best regards Erik



  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-08-18 07:20
    What kind of screen? That may be the thing that affects your decision the most -- certainly the SX can do what you are describing, but if you want video out w/o a lot of hardware (i.e. text on screen) the Propeller may be the way to go.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • ErikErik Posts: 31
    edited 2008-08-18 08:30
    we need one screen ( like a browser) for example maked but we are thinking how we collect the data from more then one proccesor and show it then on one screen.
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2008-08-18 16:36
    Well, that sounds more like a chore for .NET rather than the micros. Others at the forums may be able to help more with the .NET framework.

    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
  • Guenther DaubachGuenther Daubach Posts: 1,321
    edited 2008-08-18 21:27

    as far as I understand, you need some kind of interface module, based on an SX controller to collect various data for sending to a PC. On the PC, an application is running to show the recent data states on a display screen - right ?

    I have developed many of such kind of applications in the past with an SX controller where I handle the communication between the PC and the interface module via a serial COM port in most cases.

    The SX is fast enough to handle such serial communications, and to deal with various measurement tasks in real-time.

    Greetings from Germany,

  • ErikErik Posts: 31
    edited 2008-08-18 21:49
    Hello Gunther,

    We where thinking how we must arrange to collect the data , but I think in·the best way to· make the connection is·take a controller with ethernet. Because we must show 4 elevator controllers on one screen and the distance between the controllers are· 5 meters.also there are high power motor cables with freq. converters for the elevator motors.The application on the pc( will be an EMbedded XP screen) make we then in visual studio.

    best regards Erik
  • PJMontyPJMonty Posts: 983
    edited 2008-08-19 00:50

    If you want to use Ethernet with the SX, you might consider this:

    It's a serial to Ethernet converter with all the magnetics, etc, already on the module.

    The other option (much cheaper) is RS-485. It's lets you use regular serial communications, but sends it using a differential signal, so it has high immunity to noise and can send signals up to 1200 meters.

  • YendorYendor Posts: 288
    edited 2008-08-19 02:51

    Here's Jon's article on RS-485, which is based on some of Peter's work to get you thinking...

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