i want to try to roll my own..
I would like to try to roll my own basic stamp 2 useing oem components.. finding the components is a piece of cake.. the trouble is i want to make my own pcb, and cant find any pcb layouts... could use software to design my own but not too good at it and the software is hard to learn.. is there some type of template available that would be similar to the oem bs2?
Why dont you try www.expresspcb.com
There software is documented and there is a How To in Nuts and Volts a couple months ago.
Good luck!
Get the BS2 OEM board and build it for a programming bed. Then find the schematic somebody posted here for the· "bare bones" BS2. That will allow you to dispense with the programming interface simplify your artwork a bit.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering