New RobotBASIC V3.2.0.....With vision capabilities
Hi All,
We are excited
to announce the posting of Version 3.2.0 of RobotBASIC.
The new ZIP file has new demo programs along with the new exe and help file.
You can download all files from
In addition to correcting some errors in Version 3.1.0 we have added
new functions and commands and improved others. BUT…..the major
addition is a suite of functions to enable the ACQUIRING of images from
TWAIN compliant devices (Scanners, WebCams and the like).
With RB you can now capture images from devices connected to your PC and
with the extensive Image Processing and Drawing commands and functions you
can achieve projects like Robotic Vision. In the new downloadable zip file there is
a program that demonstrates most of the Image Processing operations you can do
with RB.
Additionally we have prepared an article (may be published in Servo Magazine), and
a corresponding video:
The video demonstrates a very interesting Robotic Vision project using a PC with
a RobotBASIC program that acquires images from a webcam and in response animates
a humanoid robot (puppet) actuated with servos synchronized via a multiple-servo-controller
board from Parallax Inc.( ·The RB program is downloadable from:
We have also prepared another article and a corresponding video:
The video shows a very interesting project that illustrates how you can use a
RobotBASIC programmed PC to create sophisticated· control projects that would
be impossible to do using most microcontrollers.
The project shows how you can integrate Graphical User Interfacing along with Simulations
and Hardware I/O control combined with complex mathematical algorithms to accomplish
PID real time control over a physical model (and simulation) of a Satellite Attitude Controller.
The project utilizes Distributed Processing techniques that integrate the PC and microcontrollers
to realize Multitasking and Parallel Processing to create an overall controller that emulates setups
you may only expect from high-level research projects.
The RobotBASIC program on the PC communicates with various Basic Stamps (BS2)
to acquire Quadrature Encoded position information and to actuate PWM motor control.
The project is detailed in a PDF file that you can download (along with all the necessary RB
and BS2 programs) from
In Summary……
··· RobotBASIC allows you…. To Achieve… A Lot…Quickly… Easily….
We are excited

The new ZIP file has new demo programs along with the new exe and help file.
You can download all files from
In addition to correcting some errors in Version 3.1.0 we have added
new functions and commands and improved others. BUT…..the major
addition is a suite of functions to enable the ACQUIRING of images from
TWAIN compliant devices (Scanners, WebCams and the like).
With RB you can now capture images from devices connected to your PC and
with the extensive Image Processing and Drawing commands and functions you
can achieve projects like Robotic Vision. In the new downloadable zip file there is
a program that demonstrates most of the Image Processing operations you can do
with RB.
Additionally we have prepared an article (may be published in Servo Magazine), and
a corresponding video:
The video demonstrates a very interesting Robotic Vision project using a PC with
a RobotBASIC program that acquires images from a webcam and in response animates
a humanoid robot (puppet) actuated with servos synchronized via a multiple-servo-controller
board from Parallax Inc.( ·The RB program is downloadable from:
We have also prepared another article and a corresponding video:
The video shows a very interesting project that illustrates how you can use a
RobotBASIC programmed PC to create sophisticated· control projects that would
be impossible to do using most microcontrollers.
The project shows how you can integrate Graphical User Interfacing along with Simulations
and Hardware I/O control combined with complex mathematical algorithms to accomplish
PID real time control over a physical model (and simulation) of a Satellite Attitude Controller.
The project utilizes Distributed Processing techniques that integrate the PC and microcontrollers
to realize Multitasking and Parallel Processing to create an overall controller that emulates setups
you may only expect from high-level research projects.
The RobotBASIC program on the PC communicates with various Basic Stamps (BS2)
to acquire Quadrature Encoded position information and to actuate PWM motor control.
The project is detailed in a PDF file that you can download (along with all the necessary RB
and BS2 programs) from
In Summary……
··· RobotBASIC allows you…. To Achieve… A Lot…Quickly… Easily….