abort use
Erik Friesen
Posts: 1,071
I am wanting to abort all calls up to a certain point when my device connects to a usb port. In the below method for example, if I do an abort trap before each call like , \countboard , will it stop at that or continue?
With no abort trap where would I end up?
With no abort trap where would I end up?
Pub Mainmenu |a selection:=1 repeat text.out(1) limit:=5 hilite(1) text.str(string(size,2,1,"Count Board "))'spaces 14 hilite(2) text.strsp(14,string($d1,"File")) hilite(3) text.str(string($d2,"Easy Estimate ")) hilite(4) text.strsp(14,string($d3,"Tools")) text.out($d4) if selection==5 text.out($c2) text.str(string("Rename ")) text.out($c2) text.filestr(@filename) text.out($c1) if selection<>5 text.str(string( " Open ")) if key[noparse][[/noparse]Ksel]==1 repeat until key[noparse][[/noparse]Ksel]==0 case selection 1:countboard 2:Filemenu 3:estimenu 4:toolmenu 5:renamefile("f",@filename) testoff
With '\countboard' an 'abort' would return to the statement executed after it. In this case the program should continue at 'testoff'.
There's a special case with "\TrapThisCall( MethodFunction(10) )" whereby an abort in 'MethodFunction()' doesn't continue at the statement after it but drops out of the method which contains it.
Best thing I found was to write some test programs to get a feel for how abort and abort trapping works using some 'print statements' to show execution progress and path.
Is that (abort trapping) what the "MARK" bytecode that I noticed in one of your posts gets used for?
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
\TrapThisCall(MethodFunction(10)), where MethodFunction aborts, behaves identically to
TrapThisCall(MethodFunction(10)), correct?
That is, the trap catching is not set up until the arguments are evaluated and TrapThisCall
is actually invoked?
If the behavior differs from this, that's unusual and surprising.
The Trap handling is done by what I call FRAME and Chip called "drop anchor". There are four options there as two bits, keep/discard return result, trap/don't. These are executed sometime previous to the method CALL or cross-object method-call CALLOBJ.
@ rokicki : Yes, that's how I saw it working.
I felt this behaviour was wrong / unexpected because I took the trap to mean, "check this call worked, and continue regardless", so to me an abort in MethodCall should be no different to an abort in TrapThisCall.