Control servos through shift register
I have a BS2e controlling a 74HC595 shift register (ran out of output pins) I need to control 6 servos conected to the 74HC595 and control their possition over the 180deg movement any code ideas would be appreciated
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
It's not that you can't do the control with the BS2e, but you're starting to very much complicate your BS2e programming to feed a bunch of servos with time sensitive repeated control pulses. By offloading the timing, you will be freeing up the BS2e to do decision making while the servo controller will continue to keep the servos going and can even do some ramping (positioning over a fixed interval) independently.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/14/2008 4:37:37 AM GMT
PS- what about using shift registers with inputs ? does this become a timing issue as well say if you had IR sensors or ping sensors .
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!