Boe-Bot questions
I just bought boe-bot with MS robotics studio. Do you happen to know, how could I expand, further develop and improve my robot? Can I use multiple controller board and how? Please help (reply)!!!
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 8/22/2008 2:49:32 PM GMT
I just bought boe-bot with MS robotics studio. Do you happen to know, how could I expand, further develop and improve my robot? Can I use multiple controller board and how? Please help (reply)!!!
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 8/22/2008 2:49:32 PM GMT
There are multiple accessories and sensors made to attach the the BOE-BOT and you can always fashion your own. If the question is just "Can this be extended?" then the answer is a definite YES!
Swiftsure BS2e Robot
Its got some neat stuff there. Another interresting project is "Another Modified Boe-Bot". In addition to these two, there are dozens of videos on YouTube of what you can do, and you can do most of the projects on the site since you have the BOE. Thats the best part of microcontrollers: there's a ton of stuff to do.
this method of recognation speech is simple , consist of sample your voice compared with your real voice.
I would like to know more about the speech recognition. Please advise.
Thank You.