.NET and BS2
Hi, I created a VB .NET interface and want to communicate to the Stamp Basic 2 board. For example if I push a button in my VB .NET program I want a LED to turn on which sits on the stamp board. at this point, all is Ok, but i want to change the value of VAR into the program charged on the basic stamp, using VB.NET, but when i send a character (for example) i dont know how to send the value directly to the VAR into the BS2 Please any have would be a big help.
PS: VAR = Variable
Thank you, all
PS: VAR = Variable
Thank you, all
The BS2 would need the following: SERIN <pin>,<Baud>,[noparse][[/noparse] SDEC AA, SDEC BB ]
<pin> is the pin number to be used. If you're using the serial port normally used for programming, then <pin> is 16.
<Baud> is a constant that specifies the Baud for the serial port. The Stamp Basic Manual and the Stamp Editor help file both have tables with the values needed for each Stamp model for each standard Baud. I think 9600 Baud for the BS2 is 84. The SDEC AA and SDEC BB indicate that a signed decimal value is expected as a sequence of digits with optional sign, separated by non-numeric characters like spaces and returns.
Read the chapter in the Stamp Basic Manual on the SERIN and SEROUT statements and on the DEBUG and DEBUGIN statements for lots of detailed explanations and examples.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 8/9/2008 4:13:50 AM GMT
i send a signal with a string (letter by letter), the BS2, receive this
without any problem, but when i disconnect the BS2 of the PC, the value of the string , is re-started at his original value, how can i make permanent the value of the string on the BS2?
- Stephen
Jeff T.