Help! Some problem with syntax
Every time I try to use the SERIN command problems ensue with the variable with the do while loop or some other Smile happens. here is my code:
I was following the example from:
Please help. thanks.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} T9600 CON 84 Inverted CON $4000 Baud9600 CON T9600 + Inverted letter VAR Byte SERIN 16, Baud9600,letter , counter VAR Byte DO SELECT letter CASE "0" LOW 5 FOR counter = 0 TO 127 PULSOUT 6, 1 PAUSE 1 NEXT CASE "L" LOW 5 FOR counter = 0 TO 10 PULSOUT 6, 1 NEXT CASE "H" HIGH 5 FOR counter = 0 TO 10 PULSOUT 6, 1 NEXT CASE "1" HIGH 15 CASE "2" HIGH 14 CASE "4" HIGH 13 CASE "8" HIGH 12 CASE "a" LOW 15 CASE "b" LOW 14 CASE "c" LOW 13 CASE "d" LOW 12 CASE "n" HIGH 0 CASE "f" LOW 0 ENDSELECT LOOP
I was following the example from:
Please help. thanks.
The easiest way around this is to put a space after the opening square bracket. Do read the chapter in the PBasic Manual on the SERIN
statement. What you've written doesn't make sense for a simple SERIN statement even with the forum software's behavior.
It's also helpful for you to include only the code that illustrates the problem plus whatever support routines are called. In your case, the
long SELECT / CASE statement isn't necessary and just adds bulk to the posting. What problem are you having?