Capacative touch sensor for a VERY large object?
Posts: 289
I've been working on perimiter security on my house. PIR is just to flakey for me.
Im working on IR laser trip beams for the front yard, the back yard is fenced. I could try and bounce a beam around with mirrors, but seems like it would be very finicky to adjust.
Is there a way to build a capacitive touch sensor that would work with such a large object? That way when someone touched the gate, or grabbed the fence to jump it, it would trip.
Would it even work with the fence being grounded? If not, what if I insulated the top bar, which would be doable, it would then not be grounded, could I build a CT sensor that would
sense maybe 200' of 1" mild steel pipe?
If not, I wonder what would happen if I energized the bar with a mild DC source, like 5VDC, not enough to even feel, but could I monitor it and sense a dip when someone touched the pole?
Im not horribly paranoid, just some activity in the neighborhood got me thinking, and im in need of a project. I definitely dont want motion sensors \ PIR because I want this to be a 99% accurate system.
Unfortunately I dont know much about capacitive touch other than plug and play chips. Maybe you guys can give me some pointers, or just tell me its impossible.
Im working on IR laser trip beams for the front yard, the back yard is fenced. I could try and bounce a beam around with mirrors, but seems like it would be very finicky to adjust.
Is there a way to build a capacitive touch sensor that would work with such a large object? That way when someone touched the gate, or grabbed the fence to jump it, it would trip.
Would it even work with the fence being grounded? If not, what if I insulated the top bar, which would be doable, it would then not be grounded, could I build a CT sensor that would
sense maybe 200' of 1" mild steel pipe?
If not, I wonder what would happen if I energized the bar with a mild DC source, like 5VDC, not enough to even feel, but could I monitor it and sense a dip when someone touched the pole?
Im not horribly paranoid, just some activity in the neighborhood got me thinking, and im in need of a project. I definitely dont want motion sensors \ PIR because I want this to be a 99% accurate system.
Unfortunately I dont know much about capacitive touch other than plug and play chips. Maybe you guys can give me some pointers, or just tell me its impossible.
Traditional security couldn't hurt either, like a thorny bush just below the fence.
I had also thought about isolating the cable from the fence, powering the cable and grounding the fence, so when the two touch, it trips the sensor. Heck, I wouldnt mind just powering the cable with 220 and letting the intruders screams alert me, but legallity gets in the way.
Either of the cable ideas however leave me having to also alarm the gates. Touch \ laser could go right through or over the gates.
I checked, I could enclose the laser, reciever, and mirrors inside the main fence posts, just drilling holes to pass the beams so you woundlt even know it was there if it was visible, unless you noticed when you breached it. But I figured it would be very tedious to allign it. That and with the cables, there is a margin for failure \ misallignment \ etc. With a capacitive touch system, assuming it was self calibrating, it should be rather resilliant, though I dont know what would happened when it rained or snowed.
Or, you could erect a bunch of inert but showy security items; then, in a conspicuous location (near a gate, maybe), place a lighted keypad with a little LED labeled "ARMED". Near the keypad, perhaps scratched into the enclosure's paint or penciled in so it looks surreptitious, would be a five-digit number. Just program the keypad so that when that number is entered (or any key is pressed, for that matter), the alarm sounds.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Thank You for sharing this with us about Piezo Cable
Here iis a Link That Sell that type of cable·····
I just bought some of that kind of cable
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle,ProductName
The problem I see with Piezo, as metioned above, it would react to animals, wind, loud noise, and rain.
Capacitive sensing would react to animals, and possibly rain
Laser trip would react only to animals going over the fence (cats seem to squeeze through the cracks), leaves, possibly hard rain and snow accumulation.
Pull cable would react to animals going over only
Electrical contact cable would react to animals going over, and possibly snow accumulation.
Not only that, but I would have to consider the possible failure modes. I could program for obvious failures to avoid false alarm, but I dont want to have to tinker with this every week.
Piezo would have nearly zero failure mode
Capacitive sensing, if auto calibrating, would have nearly zero failure
Laser would be finicky to adjust, and possibly drift out of adjustment
Pull cable I dont know, it might stretch, and it might expand in the hot sun
Electrical contact cable should be fine as long as it doesnt stretch or expand enough to make contact
Just from that, it looks like a pull cable would be the simplest and best solution, though installing it poses some engineering challenges. Im still not convinced.
Anyone have any other suggestions? Input on Captouch?
If i read it right you could break up your fence into approx 10 sections (3 +7)
presuming you have to keep the interconnecting wiring short you may need several ic's?
though this would then allow seperate zone's sensing
£1.50 or at todays rate $2.88 a throw
Post Edited (skylight) : 8/8/2008 6:41:42 PM GMT
You can adjust sensitivity in several different ways, it is unobtrusive (with an infrared), and can be recalibrated very easily. The downside is that it will take a while to build.
Maybe Im missing something.
Actually, I found IR leds to be much more powerful than I thought. Using a Parallax 38.5Khz IR reciever I found that just my TV remote will work from across the yard, and I have some supposedly high powered IR leds. So im going to try that first.
I cant seem to get my stamp working with IR though, I can use the TV remote to trip the sensor, but I dont get anything when I use the stamp, Im using parts and code from the Understanding Signals book that came with my Oscope.
Its a 38.5k reciever module, and using freqout 0,1,38500 its not working. And the LED is very dim when viewed with a camera, whereas my remote LED is very bright. If I hook the LED right up to 5v + resistor, its very bright. I', using a 220ohm resistor as called for.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
would you be able to adjust the mark/space ratio so the on time was longer?
Post Edited (skylight) : 8/9/2008 10:37:46 PM GMT
I still have the LED brightness problem. My TV remote will trip the IR detector clear across the backyard, the LED driven by the stamp drops dead after 10 feet. This is supposed to be a high powered IR LED, 16mW minimum radiant power @100mA.
I actually bought another IR LED that came packaged with a phototransistor. This LED is rated at 150ma, though its radiant power output is rated at 13-15mW, I would have to assume, if it will take another 50mA, it probably puts out more power, even if its not rated for it.
At anyrate, the LED seems far dimmer when run at 38.5khz from the stamp than it does when its just powered straight from power.
I'm using a 150 ohm resistor, but if I'm not mistaken, the LED should take a 39 ohm resistor (5v source, 1.2V foward voltage, 100 ma current) Is that correct?
If I bump the resistor down, it might help put out more light.
Apologies if you are already doing so, if so then it still could be a mark space problem, you would need to make sure the on time is longer at the expense of the off time(duty cycle) you may need to increase the on time to 75% or more to gain that distance?
Experimentation will determine the duty cycle you need.
Alternatively use a 555 timer·it's easily·capable of handling that frequency and current and will allow the mark space ratio altering with appropriate wiring and then have the stamp trigger it.
Here's a link to help you calculate the Mark Space Ratio
It looks like the Resistor designations are different to the ones in the formula, I'd take R1 to be Ra and R2 to be Rb
As the 555 is more than capable of handling that current you may get away with a 50% duty cycle(default) which will save you having to calculate the mark space ratio and just have to work out the RC components needed for the frequency.
Post Edited (skylight) : 8/10/2008 12:07:01 PM GMT
I need 38.5khz to trip the reciever, so I dont think I can really play with on time anymore than how long I send the signal, which I am doing for 1 second right now.
However I am limiting the current to about 30ma, so I suppose that might be an issue, since I can safely triple the current. Unfortunately that means I need a 1watt resistor, or 4 1/4's and I cant even find one resistor with <100 ohms in my collection, guess I'll have to go shopping before I can see.
Any advice on how to extend the range on these IR LEDs?
Thinking more about Peizo though, I guess someone going over the fence would create a lot of vibration, as opposed to the wind or something that would produce very little. Maybe I'll order some of those Peizo sensors from parallax and play with them.
This is a very tough decesion because I have so many options, none of them the obvious answer.
Post Edited (GICU812) : 8/10/2008 6:32:39 PM GMT
Anyway, to extend the range of the IR LEDs the easiest would be to focus the beam. I'd look at LED flashlights at home depot or something. The only part that you need is the lens. Use this to focus the beam toward the reciever. You could even use multiple IR LEDs in one spot. I haven't tested this, but from using visible LEDs it seems the best step.
Also, there might be a way to daisy chain the IR LEDs so that you only need one BS2
My guess is that if one gets tripped, it causes the other LED to not emit, which then trips the next, and so on. This would eliminate the need for a bunch of BS2s or tons of wiring. Let me think on it for a while...
Testing outside, I am having rather disapointing results. even running at ~100ma, it still wont cover more than 10-15 feet, half of what my TV remote does. The brightness in a camera looks simular now though.
Using your idea and using a small LED flashlight, focusing the beam the best I can only yeilds anoter 5 feet or so.
What happens if I cut the end of the LED flat, wont that somewhat concentrate the beam forward, rather than dissapating it with a rounded tip?
What is used to detect the laser beam in your scenario? Thats the part im not understanding.
Post Edited (GICU812) : 8/10/2008 9:10:24 PM GMT
Seems to me that class 1 lazers would be most accurate for object detection, though the cats, birds, and squirrels in my neighborhood would cause many false alarms (I see Phil already mentioned this). Perhaps adding an accelerometer would make the system more viable; this would provide for a check/balance. If there is vibration and no object, then perhaps it's just the wind; if there is an object and no significant vibration, then it's probably just a cat. Now if there was a cat on the fence and a dog jumping on the fence, maybe a microphone could be used to help harden the system (but dogs tend to keep intruders at bay anyway). Hey before you know it you could have 15 sensors and a security guard [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Being able to recognize the threat seems to be a big factor; maybe an I/R CAM and neural network software design would help.
Im not worried about this being exploited, as my primary concern is not the sophisticated professional thief, he'd get in no matter what I did, though really I doubt anyone who hasnt read this would know to exploit it.
I know what the title says, but I'll mention PIR. There are modules that you can get that simply detect infrared, without doing the calculations of whether or not something is there. You could foccus the module down the fence, and make your own standards for object detection.
I put the LED inside a small maglite, it isnt a huge diffrence, but it does make some improvement. Also the higher powered light is definitely an improvement, unfortunately I got 33k resistors, instead of 33 ohm, so the 150ma LED is still only running at 100ma(1.2v - 44Ohms), but is still stronger.
In the dark, I can definitely get the distance of the fence, Im actually going from the middle of the house to the far corner for testing, or maybe %33 further than I need to. I guess in the daylight it just wont work. Thats not a killer, nightime is the targent. Im no expert, what is actually causing the loss in daylight? Would it help if I just put the reciever in the shade?
And we still get robbed!!!
Anyway, GICU, the laser harware is the difficult part. You could hack a laser printer for both the laser and the spinning mirror, but you'll need to come up with a reciever and a timing system. If you can't get the laser system to work, then you could always use the IR laser as a defense device: shine it in the intruders eyes for a long time until he's out of luck. (Just kidding, please don't...)
To debug the infrared, it's easiest to image it as visible light and go from there. My guess about why it works better at night is that there is less natural IR, and so the IR LED is relatively brighter. To improve the daylight you can try and put a dirrectional tube on the reciver and point it the way the you want.
When my house go broken into, it was in broad daylight at about 3 in the afternoon. I live in a suburb type area and even had a dog. Unfortunately, she just said hi to them and laid down on the back patio. Some security system. Anyway, don't discredit the daylight, since chances are that that is the time that you are gone most often.
Its close, at 65 feet, in pitch black, perfectly alligned, its iffy, its a little more stable with optics on it, but its just too finicky, not to mention the next length I need is 70 feet. Any shorter and it could probably be made to work.
One of the advantages of IR was going to be that it didnt need aimed so much, but that doesnt seem to be the case at these distances, its very picky about allignment, its got a few inches to play with, but its still too picky to be an advantage. Also, there is pretty much no way I could get this working in the sunlight. I did get some positive results in the daylight putting the reciever in a shoebox, but that was at a shorter distance, its just asking too much for 65 feet.
The back yard is 65 - 70 - 65, thats actually cutting a little across the yard on the first and last, because the last section of fence is on an angle. The front is going to be 60' , 22' , 48'
I think my best bet is going to be laser for the backyard, one beam bounced around, it will cover the entire fence, gates and all. Also the side runs, being on an angle, wont trip when something goes over the fence, only if something about 4' walks through it.
The front yard I think I can use IR. I can use it to jump the driveway at 22', and then over to the house 48' I cant use laser here because there is no fixed mount by the other side of the driveway, but IR being less picky, I can just use a stake. I'll just have to bury a wire out to there. The other side of the front yard, at 60', I dont know, I might be able to use IR, but since its one point to another, both fixed hard, so theres no chance of movement, it would probably just be easier to use laser.
I can probably just build these with visible laser, then maybe later replace the mocules with IR if I want.
I finally got a response from that website with the IR lasers, they dont sell any of those IR laser pointers on the site, begging the question why they are still advertized. The only options they have relevant to me is a plain module, no housing button or anything, just the module.
Anyone else have other links for IR lasers?