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Integer to ascii?

HandtoolHandtool Posts: 17
edited 2008-08-07 04:18 in BASIC Stamp

I have a variable "temp" that stores an integer that's updated frequently.· I'd like to·display it·on a·LCD terminal Appmod.··I have·been modifying the·example code for the LCD appmod :

temp = (TempSpan/255 * adcBits/10 + Offset)/10
GOSUB Display
addr = Msg3 ' display "Temp ="
GOSUB LCD_Put_String
char = LcdLine2 + 3············ ' move cursor to 2nd line
addr = temp
GOSUB LCD_Put_String········ ' display temp
IF temp >· 65· THEN
ELSEIF temp <· 66· THEN

Everything works but the "addr·= temp" part.· Do I need to do integer to ascii conversion?· Whats the efficient way to do this?· Thanks


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-08-07 01:22
    Do you want the address to be equal to the value of temp? Also it would help if you attach the exact code you are running so we can see how the pieces fit together.

    - Stephen
  • HandtoolHandtool Posts: 17
    edited 2008-08-07 02:48
    Thanks for the reply Franklin, Yes I'd like the value of temp to be displayed on the lcd. This is my first time working with an lcd so I just started stripping code out of the LCD appmod example code that I didn't think I needed. I'm sure there is a lot of extraneous stuff still there but here it is:

    E PIN 1 ' LCD Enable (1 = enabled)
    RW PIN 2 ' Read/Write\
    RS PIN 3 ' Reg Select (1 = char)
    LcdDirs VAR DIRB ' dirs for I/O redirection
    LcdBusOut VAR OUTB
    LcdBusIn VAR INB

    CS PIN 8 'ADC Control pin
    CLK PIN 9 'ADC Clock pin
    DataOutput PIN 10 'ADC Output pin
    SSR PIN 15 'SSR pin

    [noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]

    LcdCls CON $01 ' clear the LCD
    LcdHome CON $02 ' move cursor home
    LcdCrsrL CON $10 ' move cursor left
    LcdCrsrR CON $14 ' move cursor right
    LcdDispL CON $18 ' shift chars left
    LcdDispR CON $1C ' shift chars right
    LcdDDRam CON $80 ' Display Data RAM control
    LcdLine1 CON $80 ' DDRAM address of line 1
    LcdLine2 CON $C0 ' DDRAM address of line 2
    LcdScrollTm CON 250 ' LCD scroll timing (ms)

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

    addr VAR Word ' address pointer
    crsrPos VAR Byte ' cursor position
    char VAR Byte ' character sent to LCD
    idx VAR Byte ' loop counter
    scan VAR Byte ' loop counter

    temp VAR Word
    adcBits VAR Byte

    TempSpan VAR Word ' Full Scale input span in tenths of degrees.
    TempSpan = 20000 ' Declare span. Set Vref to 1V and
    ' 0 to 255 res. will be spread over 100
    ' (hundredths).
    Offset VAR Word ' Minimum temp. @Offset, ADC = 0
    Offset = 0

    [noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]

    CC0 DATA $0E, $1F, $1C, $18, $1C, $1F, $0E, $00 ' char 0
    CC1 DATA $0E, $1F, $1F, $18, $1F, $1F, $0E, $00 ' char 1
    CC2 DATA $0E, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $1F, $0E, $00 ' char 2

    Msg1 DATA "WELCOME", 0
    Msg2 DATA " BREWMASTER ", 0
    Msg3 DATA "TEMP = ", 0

    [noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]

    NAP 5 ' let LCD self-initialize
    DIRL = %11111110 ' setup pins for LCD
    #IF _LcdReady #THEN
    LCDCMD E, %00110000 : PAUSE 5 ' 8-bit mode
    LCDCMD E, %00110000 : PAUSE 0
    LCDCMD E, %00110000 : PAUSE 0
    LCDCMD E, %00100000 : PAUSE 0 ' 4-bit mode
    LCDCMD E, %00101000 : PAUSE 0 ' 2-line mode
    LCDCMD E, %00001100 : PAUSE 0 ' no crsr, no blink
    LCDCMD E, %00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift
    LcdBusOut = %0011 ' 8-bit mode
    PULSOUT E, 3 : PAUSE 5
    PULSOUT E, 3 : PAUSE 0
    PULSOUT E, 3 : PAUSE 0
    LcdBusOut = %0010 ' 4-bit mode
    PULSOUT E, 3
    char = %00101000 ' 2-line mode
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    char = %00001100 ' on, no crsr, no blink
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    char = %00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift
    GOSUB LCD_Command

    [noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]


    char = LcdCls ' clear the LCD
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    PAUSE 500
    addr = Msg1 ' point to message
    GOSUB LCD_Put_String ' write it
    crsrPos = LcdLine2 ' scroll on line 2
    addr = Msg2 ' point to msg
    GOSUB LCD_Scroll_String ' scroll it
    PAUSE 2500
    char = LcdCls ' clear the LCD
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    PAUSE 500

    GOSUB ADC_Data
    temp = (TempSpan/255 * adcBits/10 + Offset)/10
    GOSUB Display

    addr = Msg3 ' display "Temp ="
    GOSUB LCD_Put_String
    char = LcdLine2 + 3 ' move cursor to 2nd line
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    addr = temp
    GOSUB LCD_Put_String ' display temp

    IF temp > 65 THEN
    ELSEIF temp < 66 THEN


    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
    LOW CS
    PULSOUT CLK, 210
    SHIFTIN DataOutput,CLK,MSBPOST,[noparse][[/noparse]adcBits\8]

    DEBUG "8-bit binary value: ", BIN8 adcBits
    DEBUG CR, CR, "Decimal value: ", DEC3 adcBits
    DEBUG CR, CR, "Temp: ", DEC temp

    ' Writes stored (in DATA statement) zero-terminated string to LCD
    ' -- position LCD cursor
    ' -- point to 0-terminated string (first location in 'addr')
    READ addr, char
    IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT
    GOSUB LCD_Write_Char
    addr = addr + 1
    ' Scroll a message across LCD line
    ' -- set starting position in 'crsrPos'
    ' -- point to 0-terminated string (first location in 'addr')
    ' -- strings should be padded with eight spaces on each end
    char = crsrPos ' move to start of window
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    FOR idx = 0 TO 7 ' write chars in window
    READ (addr + idx), char
    IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT ' stop if end of string
    GOSUB LCD_Write_Char
    IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT
    addr = addr + 1 ' scroll
    PAUSE LcdScrollTm
    ' Send command to LCD
    ' -- put command byte in 'char'
    LCD_Command: ' write command to LCD
    #IF _LcdReady #THEN
    LCDCMD E, char
    LOW RS
    GOTO LCD_Write_Char
    ' Write character to current cursor position
    ' -- but byte to write in 'char'
    LCD_Write_Char: ' write character to LCD
    #IF _LcdReady #THEN
    LCDOUT E, 0, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
    LcdBusOut = char.HIGHNIB ' output high nibble
    PULSOUT E, 3 ' strobe the Enable line
    LcdBusOut = char.LOWNIB ' output low nibble
    PULSOUT E, 3
    HIGH RS ' return to character mode
    ' Reads byte from LCD
    ' -- put byte address in 'addr'
    ' -- returns byte read in 'char'
    LCD_Read_Char: ' read character from LCD
    #IF _LcdReady #THEN
    LCDIN E, addr, [noparse][[/noparse]char]
    char = addr ' move cursor
    GOSUB LCD_Command
    HIGH RS ' data command
    HIGH RW ' read
    LcdDirs = %0000 ' make LCD bus inputs
    HIGH E
    char.HIGHNIB = LcdBusIn ' get high nibble
    LOW E
    HIGH E
    char.LOWNIB = LcdBusIn ' get low nibble
    LOW E
    LcdDirs = %1111 ' return data lines to outputs
    LOW RW
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-08-07 03:13
    addr is the location in ROM where you have stored your messages. You are telling your program to go to a place in ROM specified by how hot it is and I don't think that is what you intend. Look at some other code for the LCD that writes a variable to the screen, not a message. For instance, How would you write "Temp =" to the screen without reading the data from ROM.

    - Stephen
  • HandtoolHandtool Posts: 17
    edited 2008-08-07 03:48
    From what I can tell from the example code, everything that gets displayed on the LCD is in quotes.

    This would probly work

    SELECT temp
    CASE 32
    char = "32"
    CASE 33
    char = "33"...

    GOSUB LCD_Write_Char

    The drawback is that I would have over 100 cases. Is there a better way?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-08-07 04:03
    char = "32" won't work anyway because it's two characters and char will only hold a single (8-bit) character. It's better to compute the characters using the DIG operator (look at the description in the manual). Here's an example for two digit values:
    char = temp DIG 1 + "0"
    GOSUB LCD_Write_Char
    char = temp DIG 0 + "0"
    GOSUB LCD_Write_Char
  • HandtoolHandtool Posts: 17
    edited 2008-08-07 04:18
    Many thanks Mr. Green
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