coginit question
Posts: 16
for some reason, when i try to use coginit, if the function that coginit is calling has a repeat loop in it, then the main code won't continue until the loop in the other cog finishes. this seems to defeat the purpose so i'm obviously doing something wrong. any ideas?
as you can see i've tried both cognew and coginit
as you can see i've tried both cognew and coginit
CON _clkmode = xtal1 _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ PWM: "PWM_beta_0_1" 'Object which controls PWM output PWMb: "PWM_beta_0_1_alt" VAR long StackPWMa[noparse][[/noparse]100] 'Stack space for outputting PWM long StackPWMb[noparse][[/noparse]100] long StackPWMc[noparse][[/noparse]100] byte CogPWM 'Holds ID of cog running PWM long power PUB Main dira[noparse][[/noparse]16..23]~~ power := 20 repeat repeat until ina '' CogPWM := cognew(PWMb[noparse][[/noparse]0].Start(18, 50000, 50), @StackPWMb) '' CogPWM := cognew(PWMb.Start(20, 500, 90), @StackPWMc) '' CogPWM[noparse][[/noparse]0] := cognew(PWM.Start(16, 500, power), @StackPWMa) coginit(7, PWMb[noparse][[/noparse]0].Start(18, 50000, 50), @StackPWMb) coginit(6, PWMb.Start(20, 50000, 90), @StackPWMc) coginit(5, PWM.Start(16, 500, power), @StackPWMa)
What do you want to achieve again ?....
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 8/6/2008 4:49:44 PM GMT
"Have you come across any instances where coginit is truely needed?"
No, I really haven't. coginit requires knowledge of which cogs are in use and which are available. Since the Propeller contains such a great mechanism (cognew) that obviates the need for such knowledge, coginit is virtually deprecated out of the gate. Those times I've seen it used in forum queries, it's almost universally substituted for method calls, which is an inappropriate application.
In general, it's better to think of cog IDs simply as non-numerical receipts that you get from cognew and that you can "turn in" for use with cogstop or designate as a source of FM audio for broadband video. Crossing the line into managing cogs by their actual number is a sure symptom that one's program needs to be refactored.
I'm not saying that coginit should be deleted from Spin. It's too late for that, after all. But it might be helpful if the manual contained a warning block discouraging its use. I think it would save countless headaches and misapprehensions about what cogs are for and how they should be managed.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 8/6/2008 5:51:36 PM GMT
I always thought the method being started had to reside in the same object. You are trying to start methods in other objects. From memory this can do "funky things" and rarely what you intended.
Experts, am I wrong?
Pull my finger!
After checking the generated code, when an object is referenced in the cognew/coginit. Instead of generating a proper call stack the compiler calls the subroutine!
Now this is pretty funky as if someone was clever they can use this to subvert the way cognew works.
Now this allows you to use a method in another object to select which method in the current object to call.
You'd have to set up the methods with one parameter (which will always be passed $FFFFFFFF), but as long as you returned
01XX from the object call, you could use XX to select which PUB method to call in the current object.
All completely theoretical of course..
Scratch that, I did not spot the missing "run" which builds the call stack and starts things up..
No wonder it gets funky!
Pull my finger!
Post Edited (BradC) : 8/6/2008 9:03:26 PM GMT
One last reply after looking at the code even closer.
This will run the three lines in sequence while starting cogs 7,6&5 with garbage from whatever is roughly in the memory location returned by the PWM(x).Start routines..
so you will see precisely the effect you are seeing..
Try perhaps using helpers in the object you are calling from.. something like
Pub Start7
PWMb[noparse][[/noparse]0].Start(18, 50000,50)
and launching it with
coginit(7, Start7, @StackPWMb)
Pull my finger!
hey that worked! thanks a lot. i don't completely understand why it's different though. are you saying that is was retrieving commands from the wrong section of the memory er somethin?
I hate to sound like a broken record here, but writing a method in a separate object that uses coginit only compounds the issues with it that I noted above. At least if you use coginit in a top object, you might have some clue whether the cogs you're starting are even available. In a remote object, the chances of that are zilch — especially if you forget that the coginits are there and try to reuse the object later or, worse, distribute it to others.
Again, just don't use coginit, period.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Re-starting Cog 0 Spin interpreter having altered Hub memory ( eg, post-bootload fixups or to run
a RAM Spin Interpreter ). That's only necessary though if the user's code does specify Cogs of their
own assuming code will start in Cog 0. Of course there's no way to tell so Cog 0 has to be used.
As long as it can be predicted when Cog 0 is about to be selected by a CogNew, even that's not a
necessity, the re-launcher can issue CogNew and CogStop on dummy code until it gets access to
Cog 0 it wants to use. Providing a user's program works the sane whether from vanilla boot or
after post-fixup and re-launch it doesn't matter how it works, as long as it does.
Don't disagree with you at all, but I'm not here to preach. I was simply pointing out why his original code would not work and what he could do to make it work.
Personally I don't use coginit, but if someone else wants to use it I'm not going to beat them about the head with it.
The reality of the problem the original poster was seeing has zero to do with coginit/cognew differences and everything to do with the compiler doing funky stuff when you pass it an object instead of a local method.
Pull my finger!
Yup, come to think of it, I've used it for that myself. But, you're right: it's not strictly necessary. I've got a program that uses a coginit(0, @bootloader, 0) in Spin to lauch a bootloader on reset, and the bootloader issues a coginit interpreter. Both can be accomplished with a cognew (the second followed by a cogstop). Moreover, since the original Spin program vacates cog 0, that's probably where the interpreter will go when it's launched. But, frankly, that should never matter, as all code should be cog number agnostic.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Seriously, I understand where you're coming from and didn't mean to criticize your answer — only to underscore some issues with the coginit approach, which has become a subtext of this thread.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
Good point, and thanks for the refocusing. My critique centered as much on style as it did on substance. But the real meat of the matter, wich you correctly point out, is that there's something fishy going on in the compiler.
Nonetheless, I'm glad you switched to cognew!
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!