My standard Parallax servo (Which came with the basic home board) only turns 180 degrees before stopping. How do I fix this so the horn can spin in one direction indefinitely?
You do have what's called a "standard servo". These only turn about 180 degrees, sometimes as much as 270 degrees. There's a mechanical stop inside that prevents further turning. It sounds like what you want is what's called a "continuous motion servo". These are modified to remove the mechanical stop and the position feedback mechanism. A standard servo uses the control pulse width (1-2ms) to specify a servo position. A continuous motion servo uses the same control pulse to specify a direction and speed (> 1.5ms goes one way, < 1.5ms goes the other way). There are instructions on the web for modifying a standard servo to make it a continuous motion servo. You can't go the other way. Some manufacturers make continuous motion servos. Parallax sells both kinds.
If you are just starting out I wouldn't try modifying the servo (it's not easy) but buy one of Parallax's continous rotation servos. You will want a standard servo to do other things soon enough anyway.
- Stephen
· I converted 4 in about 15 mins.
When you spend 10 times what it cost to build it yourself - That's when it becomes a HOBBY !