BS2-Function Problem with DEBUG
Posts: 276
Ref: BS2-Function Problem with DEBUG
i have a problem with a serialConnection with
Debug to Linux-Laptop with a usb-cable
1) from the linuxbox,
i can send a command: as: "4\n" to the
propeller ProtoBoard
myReadDec := BS2.DEBUGIN_Dec
myReadChar := BS2.DEBUGIN_Char
at the ReadDatas Function
into Repeat
to break the repeat-loop
if myReadChar == "4" (or if myReadDec > 0)
mySendChar := myReadChar
BS2.Pause(1000) ' 1 second pause
its OK the prop goes to SendDatas-Functions
and send "SendData = 1225" back to the linuxBox
Now the problem: i cant send back the input
aka == 4 with myReadChar or mySendChar or myReadDec
to the linuxbox
but with BS2.Debug(RC_Val) its ok
can somebody help me.
excuse my bad english
i have a problem with a serialConnection with
Debug to Linux-Laptop with a usb-cable
1) from the linuxbox,
i can send a command: as: "4\n" to the
propeller ProtoBoard
myReadDec := BS2.DEBUGIN_Dec
myReadChar := BS2.DEBUGIN_Char
at the ReadDatas Function
into Repeat
to break the repeat-loop
if myReadChar == "4" (or if myReadDec > 0)
mySendChar := myReadChar
BS2.Pause(1000) ' 1 second pause
its OK the prop goes to SendDatas-Functions
and send "SendData = 1225" back to the linuxBox
Now the problem: i cant send back the input
aka == 4 with myReadChar or mySendChar or myReadDec
to the linuxbox
but with BS2.Debug(RC_Val) its ok
can somebody help me.
excuse my bad english
CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 VAR LONG ReadStack0[noparse][[/noparse]50] ' Cog1 Stack Space for ReadDatas from <- PC LONG SendStack1[noparse][[/noparse]50] ' Cog0 Stack Space for SendDatas to -> PC LONG RC_Val BYTE myString[noparse][[/noparse]50] BYTE myReadChar BYTE mySendChar LONG myReadDec BYTE counter OBJ BS2 : "BS2_Functions-2" ' Create BS2 Object PUB main RC_Val := 1225 BS2.start (31,30) ' Initialize BS2 Object, Rx and Tx pins for DEBUG CogNew(ReadDatas, @ReadStack0) ' Cog Read Datas from PC as Debug CogNew(SendDatas, @SendStack1) ' Cog Send Datas to PC as Debug PUB ReadDatas Repeat 'myReadDec := BS2.DEBUGIN_Dec myReadChar := BS2.DEBUGIN_Char if myReadChar == "4" 'myReadDec > 0 mySendChar := myReadChar outa[noparse][[/noparse]0] := 1 BS2.Pause(1000) ' 1 second pause outa[noparse][[/noparse]0] := 0 QUIT PUB SendDatas Repeat BS2.Debug_Str(string(13, "SendDatas = ")) ' BS2.Debug_Char(mySendChar) ' should be == 4 ' BS2.Debug_Dec(myReadDec) BS2.Debug_Dec(RC_Val) counter ++ if counter == 100 counter := 0 QUIT
- The SendDatas method will meet and exceed 100 times before I may even try to type anything - didn't help.
- The sendDatas method is on a different cog, meaning I/O may not be correctly set up - fixed, nothing.
- I don't see the string being printed out 100 times. Nothing from the Cog.
- The 1st character DEBUG'd is sometimes garbled, before the 1st repeat, send a CR or something to set up for good data.
Sorry, author of BS2_Functions, but stumped on this one for now...
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Propeller Workshop - Getting started & Using Video - Power Point and Spin Files
excuse my late answer, but i working and testing the code.
realy its mysterious,
i must say that on the other side of the prop and usb-cable is a linux-laptiop
yesterday the code is running .-O
on the prop reader:
if myReadDec == 1 or something
-> the prop breaks the loop and goes to sendDatas
-> sendDatas is OK on the linuxBox and nothing goes wrong
-> if you send "1\n" to the prop
-> on the prop:
myReadDec := BS2.DEBUGIN_Dec
if myReadDec == 4
if myReadDec > 0
prop makes Quit
but the prop cant send myReadDec to linux == its 0 zero
but today bad thing are happened.
with the same code:
1) Read Datas dont run.
2) prop hanging
2) linux hanging
first i think its problem with unix and windows
under widnows CR is Ascii 13
but under unix its verry different
if you send Datas to the prop you can do following stuff:
a) char *sendDatas = "1\r" == this is CarrigeReturn but in this case the prop makes a RESTART
b) char *sendDatas = "1\n" == this is LF (linefeed) nothing happened.
c) char *sendDatas ="1\r\n" == CR & LF on the prop
on the moment at 18.OO GMT i can sendDatas to the LinuxBox
so i dont what i say.
if you have some tips for my , thanks
and thanks for your answer
and please excuse my bad english