Switches << i need some suggestions>>
I·need some suggestions. Here is my situation, i connected up 3 switches. switch1,2,3. Below is my code, it don't seem to be working according to what i want. i want to make it such that,
initial value of result = 10.
switch1 = logic 1 input,
switch 2 = logic 0 input,
switch 3 = logic 0 input,
result = 5.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic 1 input,
switch 3 = logic·0 input,
result = 6.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic·0 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result·= 7.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result = 7.
switch1 = logic·1 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result = 7.
switch1 = logic·1 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·0 input,
result = 6.
however, with the below code, i obtain results of 6 even if there were no input logic.however if i were to remove the part on
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange
leaving jus switchpin(p11) , it works perfectly fine. i need some suggestions on how to get the other 2 switches working.
Also i had a problem with p12.
·i had it tried on P11,12,14,15.
by changing
switchPin VAR IN11························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin VAR IN12························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
and to
switchPin VAR IN14························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
and to
switchPin VAR IN15························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
as for p12, it does not work correct, i have no connections to p12, therefore initial should be logic 0 input, however, when i run it, result were 5/10. could be either, which is different from what was expected of having a 10 always.
As·for p14,15
i had to write it
IF switchPin =·0 THEN result = 7
in order for result = 10.which is different from P11.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' Flexiforce Simple.bs2
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] Declarations ]
result VAR Word
counting VAR Word
switchPin VAR IN11························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin2 VAR IN14························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev2 VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin3 VAR IN15························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev3 VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
LOW rw
OUTS = %0000000000000000
DIRS = %0000001111111111
counting = 0
result = 10
IF switchPin <> switchPrev THEN switchChange
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange
switchPrev = switchPin
IF switchPin = 1 THEN result = 5
switchPrev2 = switchPin2
IF switchPin2 = 1 THEN result = 6
switchPrev3 = switchPin3
IF switchPin3 = 1 THEN result = 7
DEBUG HOME, "result = ", DEC result
initial value of result = 10.
switch1 = logic 1 input,
switch 2 = logic 0 input,
switch 3 = logic 0 input,
result = 5.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic 1 input,
switch 3 = logic·0 input,
result = 6.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic·0 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result·= 7.
switch1 = logic·0 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result = 7.
switch1 = logic·1 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·1 input,
result = 7.
switch1 = logic·1 input,
switch 2 = logic·1 input,
switch 3 = logic·0 input,
result = 6.
however, with the below code, i obtain results of 6 even if there were no input logic.however if i were to remove the part on
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange
leaving jus switchpin(p11) , it works perfectly fine. i need some suggestions on how to get the other 2 switches working.
Also i had a problem with p12.
·i had it tried on P11,12,14,15.
by changing
switchPin VAR IN11························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin VAR IN12························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
and to
switchPin VAR IN14························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
and to
switchPin VAR IN15························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
as for p12, it does not work correct, i have no connections to p12, therefore initial should be logic 0 input, however, when i run it, result were 5/10. could be either, which is different from what was expected of having a 10 always.
As·for p14,15
i had to write it
IF switchPin =·0 THEN result = 7
in order for result = 10.which is different from P11.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' Flexiforce Simple.bs2
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] Declarations ]
result VAR Word
counting VAR Word
switchPin VAR IN11························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin2 VAR IN14························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev2 VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin3 VAR IN15························ 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev3 VAR Bit· 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
LOW rw
OUTS = %0000000000000000
DIRS = %0000001111111111
counting = 0
result = 10
IF switchPin <> switchPrev THEN switchChange
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange
switchPrev = switchPin
IF switchPin = 1 THEN result = 5
switchPrev2 = switchPin2
IF switchPin2 = 1 THEN result = 6
switchPrev3 = switchPin3
IF switchPin3 = 1 THEN result = 7
DEBUG HOME, "result = ", DEC result
as for p12, it does not work correct, i have no connections to p12, therefore initial should be logic 0 input, however, when i run it, result were 5/10. could be either, which is different from what was expected of having a 10 always
·When you switch·have no connections· your inputs will FLOAT and you get changes in what state
When the switch·have no connections· the Input may·ON or OFF
Input will be in·(·No Man's Land it dose not know where it is this mean that wich ever routine is TRUE it will do)
......................>>>>> This will give you trouble
The trouble will be >>>··Let say that you have a routine that say when input 1 = ON
then do something what ever that is
and you have routine that say that when the input = OFF
then do something what ever that is
··Thanks for any·
In addition to what Sam mentioned about leaving pins open, you may find it easier to handle 3 switch inputs together as a nibble. This would be a good place to investigate the Lookup, Branch or On Gosub commands. It will make your coding a bit easier.
' Flexiforce Simple.bs2
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] Declarations ]
result VAR Word
counting VAR Word
switchPin VAR IN11 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev VAR Bit 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin2 VAR IN14 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev2 VAR Bit 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
switchPin3 VAR IN15 'set variable to input pin 1 state
switchPrev3 VAR Bit 'bit for keeping track of previous pin state
LOW rw
OUTS = %0000000000000000
DIRS = %0000001111111111
counting = 0
result = 10
IF switchPin <> switchPrev THEN switchChange
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange
switchPrev = switchPin
IF switchPin = 1 THEN result = 5
switchPrev2 = switchPin2
IF switchPin2 = 1 THEN result = 6
switchPrev3 = switchPin3
IF switchPin3 = 1 THEN result = 7
DEBUG HOME, "result = ", DEC result
using the above code, i connected up the circuit, but it don't seem to be working fine, result was always = 7. i tried changing to IF switchPin3 = 0 THEN result = 7
but result was still always = 7. any 1 could suggest to me how i should write my code?
Your code uses IF THEN logic but falls through to switchChange even if switchPin is equal to any of the three previous values. So the if then logic could be totally eliminated and the code would run the same. That is not the logic you want.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
I guess I forgot the direction of the bits. Berhaps using bits 0,1 and 2 and mask out the forth bit, bit 4
The mask would be
lookupvalue =· INL & %0111
so you would have 8 values in your lookup table, number values·0-7
You can then use a one nibble variable to store the previous value to test on the next loop iteration instead of testing each bit.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
Post Edited (metron9) : 8/6/2008 1:55:07 AM GMT
i am using...
IF switchPin <> switchPrev THEN switchChange
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange2
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange3
and the results is always 7...
instead of
IF switchPin <> switchPrev THEN switchChange
IF switchPin2 <> switchPrev2 THEN switchChange
IF switchPin3 <> switchPrev3 THEN switchChange