Posts: 295
i'm trying to use cogstop to stop a cog that is running an·infinite loop.··is that not possible·?
the cog will stop if its in a finite loop, but not in an infinite loop.
I accidently used "stop" as a "variable" once when it was clearly define as a method to stop a my cog.
That worked very well at stopping my pasm and causing me a great debug headache for a time [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Does this mean the Propeller's hub controller can solve the halting problem? [noparse];)[/noparse]
still can't see what i'm doing wrong that i can't stop the cog in an infinite loop.
jazzed, i don't understand·how restarting a cog that hasn't stopped will tell anything.
paul, that is my intention. probably a syntax or indention problem.· i'll keep looking.
Only that you can regain control. You can use coginit to restart a cog without using cogstop.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
not to sure about proper use of coginit
Shouldn't that be ...
Otherwise you're getting the CogId of the one which launched 'drive' not CogId of 'drive'.
You might consider looking at some of the library objects as examples to emulate.
Here is a very simple flasher that uses start/stop following the library example.