speed from ping

New Stamper, First post
BS2, Ping, 2hz clock @ P0, LCD appmod
I am attempting to build an ultrasonic rate meter for detecting the velocity of a slow moving object.
I've had some experience with a string pot over an encoder shaft with good results but want to go non-contact.
I currently have the distance in inches and millimeters displayed on the LCD.
The results have been good, but with some quirks in the aiming and signal strength of the ping status led.
My 4060 2hz clock worked at first attempt!
I am suffering from paralysis by analysis on my code.
I have read about most of the stamp 16 bit math issues (great wealth of knowledge out there).
I intend to average out the change in distance over time to stabilize the display.
Thanks to all of the very helpful forum members who have provided me with hours of lessons in what not to do.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thank you in advance for your response,
Will check it out.
Work through the problems one by one.