Tank Track code
I am looking for any existing code or links for running a tank tread robot with a BS2. If there is not any for BS2, what about Propeller?
Eventually plan to run it via radio link with serial communications. I want joy sticks on the transmitter side etc.
Thanks in advance.
Post Edited (tigershark35) : 7/28/2008 6:16:28 PM GMT
I am looking for any existing code or links for running a tank tread robot with a BS2. If there is not any for BS2, what about Propeller?
Eventually plan to run it via radio link with serial communications. I want joy sticks on the transmitter side etc.
Thanks in advance.
Post Edited (tigershark35) : 7/28/2008 6:16:28 PM GMT
2) If you haven't already, download the Robotics with the BoeBot tutorial and the IR Remote for the BoeBot tutorial from Parallax's downloads area. Go to the main Parallax webpage, choose the Resources tab, then click on Downloads, then Stamps in Class Downloads.
3) There's a Propeller-based version of the BoeBot described in the Completed Projects section of the forums. There's also a Basic interpreter (BoeBotBasic) downloadable from the Propeller Object Exchange that can be run over an xBee wireless link. This supports the two wheel servos, a PING))) ultrasonic distance sensor and the servo and bracket that's available for that, an HM55B compass, an IR distance sensor on the PING))) bracket, and the wireless link as mentioned. Here's the thread: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=635533.
4) You would need some kind of controller on the transmitter side to handle the joysticks and you'd need to add some appropriate code on the BoeBot side as well to interpret the joystick information.
It also contains a sample of using the IR as a remote and having the robot roam on its own.
I had a problem with the PC based system in that the eb500 and the camera are both running in the 2.4ghz band and there was some interferance with the devices. The interferance was a problem at the school where I work, as we are using·intellegent whiteboards in every classroom·that also use a bluetooth conection.