GPS module + LCD + BS2
Dear All,
I am currently doing a project related to GPS hiking kits.
I wonder if it is possible for me to use the BS2 to link up the LCD module and GPS module together so that i can display the GPS information onto the LCD module?
here are my desired components:
BS2 module:
GPS module:
LCD module:
Post Edited (bbnqond) : 7/25/2008 2:25:36 AM GMT
I am currently doing a project related to GPS hiking kits.
I wonder if it is possible for me to use the BS2 to link up the LCD module and GPS module together so that i can display the GPS information onto the LCD module?
here are my desired components:
BS2 module:
GPS module:
LCD module:
Post Edited (bbnqond) : 7/25/2008 2:25:36 AM GMT
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
So nice to have your reply indeed.
So, the only thing i have to do is to change the word "Debug" to "SEROUT" in the sample code?
I wonder if I could use LCDOUT statement?
Thz for you reply.
Also, if you want a GPS system that can do things like map, keep waypoints and whatnot than you'd do best to get a commercial model, not build your own. The parallax GPS is best if you are going to use it in a microcontroller system like a robot or datalogger.
probably i have to go through all the syntax first and write my own program