Where can I find good PVC enclosures for my projects?

Hello again everybody.
Do you know where to buy god boxes or enclosures for Basic Stamp projects?
Boxes big enough to·include a postcard sized circuit board inside and ability to cut out for a 4 x 20 char lcd in front. And space for necessary switches and d-subs and things like that.
Boxes nice enough to be placed on a kitchen wall without endless discussions with female members of family.
Do you know where to buy god boxes or enclosures for Basic Stamp projects?
Boxes big enough to·include a postcard sized circuit board inside and ability to cut out for a 4 x 20 char lcd in front. And space for necessary switches and d-subs and things like that.
Boxes nice enough to be placed on a kitchen wall without endless discussions with female members of family.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
I've always bought directly from their U.S. office in Maryland. They don't have any U.S. distributors, including DigiKey.
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
From your original question, I assume there are several female members in the family, particularly if they are younger (like daughters), you might try this to keep the esthetic criticism to a minimum
Use a larger than necessary project box, like the ones presented in the other replies. Cut out all necessary holes and install any posts or other mounting hardware, then turn it over to the female members for their decoration. Make sure you explain the devices that will be mounted on the outside when the project is completed. It will be like the classic artwork on the fridge, no one will criticize and you may have to fight to use the parts on your next project.
Thank's for that advice, it was a very good idea let them do the final decoration.
Also thanks to the other ones above for advice on where to find good project boxes.
Look at NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturer's Assoc.) type 4 plastic boxes.· Come in all sizes and very sturdy with plastic fasteners for easy cover removal.
Most large electrical supply houses stock them in various sizes.
Dr. Resonance
Typically I mount one or more Radio Shack prototyping boards (276-168 and 276-158) with standoffs on them. At $3.50 a pop they make prototyping and 1 off assembly inexpensive.
PACTEC·has a wide range of sizes and configurations and can be ordered directly from them.
I use cases that are small to larger than a tower computer case for the desulfators I sell.
Within their Desktop Enclosures category, I use the CM and DM series
Post Edited (desulfator) : 7/25/2008 9:34:17 PM GMT