Newbie question, how many inputs can the propeller take
Posts: 20
Ahoy, I'm mostly new to microcontrollers(programmed the bs2 and a fox11 but never interfaced to external devices) and was about to start on a project for an advanced digital class that involved making a time/weather device that would take input from different sensors etc. Can the propeller chip handle these multiple inputs and output to an lcd? Or does it just handle a single input? Hope that makes sense
thanks for any help!!
thanks for any help!!
Are your sensors digital (serial) or analog?
I suggest you look at the data sheet for the Propeller.· It can be·downloaded from the Parallax web site.
The other 28 I/O pins are completely uncommitted and could be used for inputs / outputs, whatever depending on your needs. All of these pins are essentially identical (other than slight on-chip delay differences on the order of nanoseconds).
From his main blog : Overview " The Propeller Book --
The book topic is on building a weather station using available sensors. The Propeller supports many types of communications techniques and has a built in ROM character set. It also has built in support for a PS/2 style mouse and keyboard, VGA, NTSC output, and broadcast video output, all with minimal external components. It is a 3.3 volt device and operates easily up to 96 MHz with a default clock speed of 80 MHz using a 5 MHz clock crystal."
About the book: Propeller Weather Station
Aka: CosmicBob