Alternating direction of small dc motor.
Using a BS2,is there a way to reverse the direction of rotation of a small (hobby size, 3 to 4.5v) dc motor.
A Tamiya motor used for small hobby cars, etc.· I would like it to rotate CW for a short while, then reverse rotaton (CCW) for a short while.· I know that BS2's can toggle outputs from high to low, but the voltage to the input of the motor would have to be reversed from one time to the other.·
How about connecting the 2 motor leads to two different output·ports on the BS2, one high the other low for a couple of seconds, then reverse the ports: low to high, the other high to low·?
thank you
A Tamiya motor used for small hobby cars, etc.· I would like it to rotate CW for a short while, then reverse rotaton (CCW) for a short while.· I know that BS2's can toggle outputs from high to low, but the voltage to the input of the motor would have to be reversed from one time to the other.·
How about connecting the 2 motor leads to two different output·ports on the BS2, one high the other low for a couple of seconds, then reverse the ports: low to high, the other high to low·?
thank you
- Stephen
Where can I find an H bridge to control a small hobby dc motor? I'm not the world's greatest solderer.
Does Parallax have them?
Sounds like the best fit for you is going to be our Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller .· It will allow you to independently control two motors up to 1 Amp.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
That is a very nice little unit. I have been building my own Tilden Beam H-Bridges but the foot print is much larger and only manages 100ma or so.
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Tropically, G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse] 黃鶴 ] in Taiwan