MCP41100 Digital Pot. IC help Please
Im having bit of a trouble programming this MCP4110 digital potentiometer. I have it hooked up per spec sheet(javascript[noparse]:o[/noparse]penreq('') Pin 1,4,7 connected to VSs. 8,5 to Vdd. Pin 2, and 3 to bs2 pins(0,1). And pin 6 to the positive lead of my voltmeter, neg lead attached to Vss. i get a read out of 2.48V, which im assumin is the mid range voltage.
What i did was sent a low signal the SCK pin(2 of IC) , then a pulsout command to the SI pin(3 of IC), then sent a high signal to SCK pin (2 of IC).
Low 0
Pulsout 1,5
high 0
In the data sheet is says it execute the command on the rising edge of the Sck pin which woukld mean that the wiper wouldnt shift till the SCK goes from a low to High?
Should i be using a·pulsout command for this specific IC?
I noticed that the internal schematic looks a but more complex as oppose to the AD5220. Can anyone help?
Im having bit of a trouble programming this MCP4110 digital potentiometer. I have it hooked up per spec sheet(javascript[noparse]:o[/noparse]penreq('') Pin 1,4,7 connected to VSs. 8,5 to Vdd. Pin 2, and 3 to bs2 pins(0,1). And pin 6 to the positive lead of my voltmeter, neg lead attached to Vss. i get a read out of 2.48V, which im assumin is the mid range voltage.
What i did was sent a low signal the SCK pin(2 of IC) , then a pulsout command to the SI pin(3 of IC), then sent a high signal to SCK pin (2 of IC).
Low 0
Pulsout 1,5
high 0
In the data sheet is says it execute the command on the rising edge of the Sck pin which woukld mean that the wiper wouldnt shift till the SCK goes from a low to High?
Should i be using a·pulsout command for this specific IC?
I noticed that the internal schematic looks a but more complex as oppose to the AD5220. Can anyone help?