SSR control code for a light dimmer w/ BS-II micro-controller

I would like to use a BS-II OEM version, to conrol a solid state relay for control of approx 120 vac, 10 amps max.
Application would be a light dimmer for a haunted house project I'm doing for the local JayCee chapter.·
Dimmer would go from full on to full off in 5 seconds.· Also, optionally it would go from full off to full on in 5 sec.
The BS-II would slowly ramp up (or down) the SSR over a 5 sec time frame.
Anyone know the code necessary to drive the SSR in a 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sec step fashion?· The zero would be full off on the lights and the 5 would represent full on for the lights.
I have looked thru some of the literature but only see immediate on/off type applications using triacs --- no slow ramp up or ramp down application code.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dr. Resonance
- Stephen
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
FC-4 Lamp Fader Control Board
This will may do what you want to
I have two these and they are esy to use
··Thanks for any·