inexpensive low power serial mini lcd
I'm looking for a very low power mini lcd. 3.3V inputs or less.
I can handle 1 line of text though two would be nice. The smaller the font the better as I want to make something very portable and run off a single AA.
For inexpensive lcds, I found this company this guy on ebay
that sells it for about $11 shipped. That seems like a good price but I don't think it'll do 3.3V input.
Any suggestions?
I can handle 1 line of text though two would be nice. The smaller the font the better as I want to make something very portable and run off a single AA.
For inexpensive lcds, I found this company this guy on ebay
that sells it for about $11 shipped. That seems like a good price but I don't think it'll do 3.3V input.
Any suggestions?
That seems like a good price but I don't think it'll do 3.3V input.
I found this
This may be use full to you
Look at last page where
Examples are
The like talk about to make it work at 3 volts
The HD44780 being used by the LCD module before modifying. It is a "U" version that an operation is possible by 3V of supply
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 7/19/2008 3:08:51 AM GMT
This·2X16 is also available in a 3V model
What if there was nothing? Nothing is something!
Post Edited (beazleybub) : 7/28/2008 7:17:52 AM GMT
Now if there was only a source for mounting LCDs and enclosures with windows...
Also look here...;keywords=bezel
How can there be·nothing? Nothing is something!
Post Edited (beazleybub) : 7/29/2008 7:07:44 AM GMT