Better undestanding the SumoBot BS2 Vdd 5v amps...
Hello. I have recently started in this world and I really liked it. I'm spanish, so please use simple words with me. Here is my fist question:
I have a SumoBot Rev D. I have 5 IR's emitter and detectors and 1 PING sensor, as well as a piezo speaker. I use 4 1,5v batteries so I provide 6v to Vin and then the BS2 gives me 5v·in Vdd. In the BS2 documentation I can read than each I/O can sink and source about 25 mA. My question is: What is the limit of mA when conecting things to Vdd when they are not conected to any I/O pin? All the IR receptor and the PING need Vdd (+5v) and Vss (ground 0v) justo to keep them working even if you dont need to read the sensor. Is there a limit of mA in this case?
Thanks you very much.
I have a SumoBot Rev D. I have 5 IR's emitter and detectors and 1 PING sensor, as well as a piezo speaker. I use 4 1,5v batteries so I provide 6v to Vin and then the BS2 gives me 5v·in Vdd. In the BS2 documentation I can read than each I/O can sink and source about 25 mA. My question is: What is the limit of mA when conecting things to Vdd when they are not conected to any I/O pin? All the IR receptor and the PING need Vdd (+5v) and Vss (ground 0v) justo to keep them working even if you dont need to read the sensor. Is there a limit of mA in this case?
Thanks you very much.
The biggest load to be concerned about is the servo motors.· These can draw up to 1A each peak current when stalled.· Average drain when moving is about 250mA each.· These usually are not powered through the regulator, but connected directly to the battery (Vin).· The Stamp, PING))), IR emitters and sensors, and general I/O usually draws a fraction of the amount needed by a single moving servo (when idle, servos don't draw much, maybe as much as an LED).
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 7/15/2008 11:37:48 PM GMT
About your answer, the servo motors are connected directly to the batteries (6v) as you say, so I think I dont have to worry because you say that I could even use at about 1A for all the stuff (not including the motors) and all those sensor don't even use 0.1A, is it correct? It is surprising that I can't find anything about the 5v regulator mA rating of the BS2 in the documentation...
The microprocessor itself will draw about 7mA when active. IR emitters will draw an average of maybe 10mA each when active. Normally, only one is active at a time because of how they're driven by the Stamp. The IR detectors draw roughly 3mA each. The PING))) will draw roughly 30mA. I don't know how much this drops when it's idle.
-BS2: 7 mA
-IR detector: 3 mA x 5
-PING))): 20 mA
What makes a total of 42 mA.
As IR emitters and PING))) add 10 mA when they are active, I will NEVER activate them at the same time, so I think there won't be any problem with 52 mA, don't you think so? I want to remember the 220 ohm 5 resistances I also use for the IR emitters, in case it has to be taken into account. And finally, I also have a piezo speaker, the one that comes with the SumoBot, I suppose that it's power consumption is low...
And one thing, whats the meaning of roughly? aproximatly?
Thanks a lot!
If you are wondering how I was able to use so much sensors, I use a 8:1 MULTIPLEXOR 74LS151 (I suppose less than 1 mA) for the readings.
And another thing, is it safe all this system. In case the LM2936 cant supply so much current, will it shut down WITHOUT damaging any device?
If it doesn't overheat, and you hit the 'crow-bar' current, again it will short its output to zero. In either case, it should not damage any connected devices.