how to control a stepper motor with a shift register 74hc595 and basic stamp...

I have already connect the circuit from my basic stamp2e 40 pins with the shift register 74hc595 and a stepper motor.
the problem is that i dont know how to make it work.
whats the programm code?
- Stephen
the problem is that i dont know the code to write for the basic stamp to make it work.
- Stephen
Step1 DATA %1100
Step2 DATA %0110
Step3 DATA %0011
Step4 DATA %1001
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
DIRB = %1111 ' make P4..P7 outputs
stpDelay = 5 ' set step delay
Now i connect the shift registers Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 WITH the uln and i need the code to write to make it work.