What has peoples experience been with the Parallax GPS Receiver Module?
I'm looking for a good option for how my robot will know what room and where in the room (ruffly) my robot is. I'm not sure the GPS module will work well enough.
How many feet ruffly it is it accurate, outside?
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How many feet ruffly it is it accurate, outside?
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That's not going to help navigate a room, though.
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However, as soon as I move more than a foot from my window I lose the signal, so don't get your hopes up for internal navigation.
I would say that your best bet will be a mixture of technology - the Parallax compass module working alongside a PING))) sensor and maybe some Sharp infrared sensors.
Maybe even a SODAR/RADAR like scanning ability coupled with the compass to plot out each room and then try and retrace it's steps like on this Penguin:
Unfortunately, accurate plotting of a location inside a room isn't possible without actively scanning the room itself, as even if Galileo could see inside a building, 3 feet is the difference between the bathroom and a tumble down the stairs...
Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.
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Stephen Hawking