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interfacing with dc motors — Parallax Forums

interfacing with dc motors

clink283clink283 Posts: 1
edited 2008-07-12 00:11 in BASIC Stamp
Please forgive me if these questions have been asked many times before, but I was unsuccessful in finding in via the forum search functions.

I'm looking to use the BS2 (or one of it's various modules) for this application I'm designing. Right now, I've got some sensors that will provide inputs for events and I'll need to control some corresponding outputs, namely a solenoid and motor. My questions are:

1. I've seen some app notes that go into slight detail with respect to controlling stepper motors. Is this the easiest way of controlling a motor via the BS2? I'd rather go the basic DC motor route b/c it is so much cheaper, but I'd love to have some examples that can help me out (I'm a mech eng - not too experienced with the whole 'pairing driving transistor circuitry with my microcontroller' mindframe). I'm not interested in controlling position or velocity, going full boar with the motor is just fine with my gearing ratio. If there's a rescource of the application notes (or old nuts and volts archives) available that detail connecting the BS2 to a DC motor for download it would help tons if you could post the link...

2. When using a solenoid, I'm assuming that I'll need to incorportate similar driving circuitry as above with a DC motor. Any specific examples (that include componentry and wiring) would be greatly appreciated.

3. Is the BS2 enough for me, or should I be considering the BS2e, BS2sx or BS2p? I've got less than 10 I/Os and I'll not have more than 400 lines of code and timing is not a huge issue for me. Help here is not as important b/c I'm pretty sure the BS2 should be fine.

If needed, I can post more specifics about my application.



  • ercoerco Posts: 20,256
    edited 2008-07-12 00:08

    ME's rock, as do simple relays to control motors. I'm with you, for motors I like full bore for on &·full dynamic braking for off. Check the current thread at·to see this ME's method & madness. Cheers.

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-07-12 00:11
    Have a look at several of the Nuts and Volts Columns. There's one on driving solenoids and relays from a Stamp pin and another several on driving DC motors using both discrete and integrated H-Bridges (assuming you want to reverse the motor too). Go to the main Parallax webpage, select the Resources tab and you'll see a item on the left called "Nuts and Volts Columns". Browse through the titles. You'll see a lot of useful stuff. The first and second volumns have most of what you're interested in.

    The BS2 is usually enough for most projects. The other models provide more speed, more memory (with some restrictions), and some new statements for specialized I/O (like I2C, small parallel LCD displays, and Dallas' 1-Wire I/O protocol).
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