Does anyone have a way to reduce the erratic output (jitter?) from the HM55B compass module?· I have tried calibration many times, and also used a 5 sample averaging routine, but the output readings still bounce around + and·- 10 degrees or more, making it marginally useful for sensing and correcting direction.
I'd love to get the HM55B compass to work like this -> : (check out the video (but not the price tag [noparse]:)[/noparse]) ) and how accurate the graphics correspond to the movement of the device.
I want my HM55B to be like this... [noparse]:([/noparse]
It will be very difficult to get such a sensor to indicate slew rates greater that 6 degrees per second, and indeed the computed results will still twitter at·slew rates greater than 6 degrees per second.·
Post Edited (Jesse Hasty) : 9/26/2008 9:55:00 PM GMT