Bit Math/Code Structure Porblems
Ok. I am in a bit of a dilemma. I am trying to combine an ATmega168 micro with a BS2e. I need to 'translate' the following code from PBASIC 2.5 to Arduino syntax. Here's the PBASIC code:
Now the following is the Arduino code. It should be able to operate EXACTLY the same as the PBASIC code.
'Commented out' sections of code in the Arduino code are preceded by '//'. Ignore any commented-out sections. There are some variables in there that I'm not using at the moment; ignore them.
The problem I have been facing with this code is that when I hook everything up, the Arduino ONLY sends pulses to the servo connectedto pin 9; if it used both servos I'm not sure this code is even working the way it should yet. I switched the servos around just in case there was something wrong with one; there wasn't. Something is wrong with either the code structure, or the bitwise math. I have a really hard time grasping the programming concept of bitwise math, so I had some people on another forum help me out with that part of the 'translation'. The code section in PBASIC
is translated to Arduino code. I have NO idea how that code section works, or even if it's right. Is that part of code wrong?
All help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Giggly Googley!
' {$STAMP BS2e} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables/Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i VAR Byte ' loop counter, whatever tmp VAR Word ' temporary holder seed VAR Word ' random number seed ' these are for the servo routines LEFT CON 13 ' left wheel port RIGHT CON 12 ' right wheel port SACT CON 5 ' times through act routine drive VAR Word ' wheel command combo ldrive VAR drive.BYTE1 ' left wheel command rdrive VAR drive.BYTE0 ' right wheel command aDur VAR Byte ' duration of pulse left ' servo drive commands fd CON $6432 ' forward (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) rv CON $3264 ' reverse (left = 50 ((16*3)+2), right = 100 ((16*6)+4)) st CON $4b4b ' STOP (left = 75 ((16*4)+11), right = 75 ((16*4)+11)) tr CON $644b ' turn right (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 75 ((16*4)+11)) tl CON $4b32 ' turn left (left = 75 ((16*4)+11), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) rr CON $6464 ' rotate right (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 100 ((16*6)+4)) rl CON $3232 ' rotate left (left = 50 ((16*3)+2), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) ' wander values wDir VAR Word 'wander value wDur VAR Byte 'wander duration Main: ' The program starts here GOSUB wander GOSUB act GOTO Main avdo: LOOKUP i,[noparse][[/noparse]rr, rl, drive],tmp drive = tmp i = 0 'clear history avdone: RETURN wander: ' randomly wander around IF wDur > 0 THEN wDone1 RANDOM seed ' random direction i = seed & %111 ' mask off for 0-7 only LOOKUP i,[noparse][[/noparse]fd,tl,fd,fd,fd,fd,tr,fd],wDir 'chose direction seed = seed + i wDur = (seed & %111111) + 20 ' mask for 64 choices of duration wDone1: wDur = wDur - 1 'decrement wander counter drive = wDir 'get direction RETURN 'completed act: ' moves servo motors IF aDur > 0 THEN aDec ' already doing one, got here aDur = SACT ' times through this one PULSOUT LEFT,ldrive * 10 PULSOUT RIGHT,rdrive * 10 aDec: ' decrement stuff aDur = aDur - 1 aDone: RETURN
Now the following is the Arduino code. It should be able to operate EXACTLY the same as the PBASIC code.
boolean irDetectLeft; boolean irDetectCenter; boolean irDetectRight; byte pulseCount; int distance; int oldDistance; int counter; byte task; int micVal; int cdsVal; int irLval; int irCval; int irRval; int i; int tmp; int seed; int wDir; byte wDur; int LeftPin = 10; int RightPin = 9; int PiezoPin = 11; int PingPin = 5; int PingServoPin = 6; int irLPin = 2; // Analog 0 int irCPin = 1; // Analog 1 int irRPin = 0; // Analog 2 #define BAUD 9600 #define SACT 5 #define fd 0x6432 // forward (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) #define rv 0x3264 // reverse (left = 50 ((16*3)+2), right = 100 ((16*6)+4)) #define st 0x4b4b // STOP (left = 75 ((16*4)+11), right = 75 ((16*4)+11)) #define tr 0x644b // turn right (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 75 ((16*4)+11)) #define tl 0x4b32 // turn left (left = 75 ((16*4)+11), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) #define rr 0x6464 // rotate right (left = 100 ((16*6)+4), right = 100 ((16*6)+4)) #define rl 0x3232 // rotate left (left = 50 ((16*3)+2), right = 50 ((16*3)+2)) int drive; byte ldrive, rdrive; byte aDur; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); ldrive = (byte)(drive >>8); rdrive = (byte)(drive & 0xff); pinMode(PiezoPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(LeftPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(RightPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(irLPin, INPUT); pinMode(irCPin, INPUT); pinMode(irRPin, INPUT); for(i = 0; i < 500; i++) { digitalWrite(PiezoPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1000); digitalWrite(PiezoPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1000); } i = 0; } void loop() { wander(); act(); //irCval = analogRead(irCPin); //Serial.print("Val: "); //Serial.println(irCval); //delay(200); } void avdo() { switch(i) { case 0: tmp = rr; case 1: tmp = rl; case 2: tmp = drive; } drive = tmp; i = 0; } void avdone() { return; } void wander() { if(wDir > 0) { wDone1(); } seed = random(seed); i = seed & B11; switch(i) { case 0: wDir = fd; case 1: wDir = tl; case 2: wDir = fd; case 3: wDir = fd; case 4: wDir = fd; case 5: wDir = fd; case 6: wDir = tr; case 7: wDir = fd; } seed = seed + i; wDur = (seed & B111111) + 20; } void wDone1() { wDur = wDur - 1; drive = wDir; return; } void act() { if(aDur > 0) { aDec(); } aDur = SACT; digitalWrite(LeftPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(ldrive * 10); digitalWrite(LeftPin, LOW); delay(20); digitalWrite(RightPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(rdrive * 10); digitalWrite(RightPin, LOW); delay(20); } void aDec() { aDur = aDur - 1; } void aDone() { return; }
'Commented out' sections of code in the Arduino code are preceded by '//'. Ignore any commented-out sections. There are some variables in there that I'm not using at the moment; ignore them.
The problem I have been facing with this code is that when I hook everything up, the Arduino ONLY sends pulses to the servo connectedto pin 9; if it used both servos I'm not sure this code is even working the way it should yet. I switched the servos around just in case there was something wrong with one; there wasn't. Something is wrong with either the code structure, or the bitwise math. I have a really hard time grasping the programming concept of bitwise math, so I had some people on another forum help me out with that part of the 'translation'. The code section in PBASIC
ldrive VAR drive.BYTE1 ' left wheel command rdrive VAR drive.BYTE0 ' right wheel command
is translated to
ldrive = (byte)(drive >>8); rdrive = (byte)(drive & 0xff); Arduino code. I have NO idea how that code section works, or even if it's right. Is that part of code wrong?
All help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Giggly Googley!
I messed up on the wiring; I accidentally forgot that pin 8 doesn't do PWM; I changed the 'LeftPin' value to 6. I also noticed a bug or two. BUT- I am still having problems; the code is NOT working the way it should; the servos just continuously rotate in opposite directions, making no random changes like they should given the code. They SHOULd be normally spinning in the SAME direction, making minute changes here and there. Something is still wrong with the code. Here's the updated code:
Giggly Googley!
Post Edited (NoBo780) : 7/11/2008 9:31:34 PM GMT