I'd like to read the article, but $25 for the digital edition? Gosh. makezine.com/14/pixelmusic/. Looks like a music visualizer. Did they really need an ADC for the project?
I do not see that it is very difficult to recreate something similar, you can use any TV Text object with some block character... a sigma-delta ADC and some testing of effects...
It's like VU/dB meter lights except it's 2 dimensional and changes color,
and also resembles a 1970's style "color organ" but with awfully low resolution graphics.
Groovy visualizations for that new 8-track tape player.
Why can't they do the ADC on the prop with a few discretes? The mic on the demoboard just needed a decoupling cap. The audio demos in the propeller tool have 10 bit resolution (I believe), which should be good enough for a project like this. Maybe I'm missing something...
It's like VU/dB meter lights except it's 2 dimensional and changes color,
and also resembles a 1970's style "color organ" but with awfully low resolution graphics.
Groovy visualizations for that new 8-track tape player.
Concentrate on understanding the problem, not applying the tool