Counting during Pollwait on a BS2px
I have a question concerning the use of the POLLWAIT command if issued after a COUNT command on the BS2px.
Suppose I issue a COUNT command on pin 5 with a duration of 10 seconds. Pin 5 is now open to counts from the outside world.
But if my next line of program instruction issues a POLLWAIT command on pin 6 with a duration set to 8 (meaning it will halt program execution until something happy happens on pin 6), will counts keep coming in on pin 5 despite the unhappy state of pin 6? or does counting stop on pin 5 when the program execution is halted during the POLLWAIT of pin 6?
In other words, does counting continue despite the halt of program execution?
many thanks,
I have a question concerning the use of the POLLWAIT command if issued after a COUNT command on the BS2px.
Suppose I issue a COUNT command on pin 5 with a duration of 10 seconds. Pin 5 is now open to counts from the outside world.
But if my next line of program instruction issues a POLLWAIT command on pin 6 with a duration set to 8 (meaning it will halt program execution until something happy happens on pin 6), will counts keep coming in on pin 5 despite the unhappy state of pin 6? or does counting stop on pin 5 when the program execution is halted during the POLLWAIT of pin 6?
In other words, does counting continue despite the halt of program execution?
many thanks,
This is called answering your own dumb question.