Temperature measurements
Hello everyone,
· I am a student and i am at the·begin of building a circuit for a "smart home" application. I need 8-10 (as much as possible) different·temperature readings, so i can measure the temperature at every room.·I intend to use the DS120 or AD592 probe, but i don't know what would be better for the application. I took a look at the "Applied sensors tutorial", but i got a little confused.
· One nice thing about·DS1620 is that it returns readings directly as digital numbers. But one disadvantage it has is that it is a chip with 8 pins, hard to turn into a probe that can be used apart from a circuit board. An other disadvantage for this application is that i can use only 4 DS1620·temperature sensors,·because a DS1620 needs a three pin connection with the BS-II.·That could eliminate my project's intensions.··
· On the other hand for·every AD592 probe you need one pin connection to the BSII,·but·you use the rctime command, in order to do the necessary calibration. Would that be effective? Would it be better to use a A/D converter to read the AD592 probe ? But, if i do that, 3 pins would be required for every·A/D converter.That could also·eliminate my project's intensions.·
Please, any suggestions??
Thank you in advance,
· I am a student and i am at the·begin of building a circuit for a "smart home" application. I need 8-10 (as much as possible) different·temperature readings, so i can measure the temperature at every room.·I intend to use the DS120 or AD592 probe, but i don't know what would be better for the application. I took a look at the "Applied sensors tutorial", but i got a little confused.
· One nice thing about·DS1620 is that it returns readings directly as digital numbers. But one disadvantage it has is that it is a chip with 8 pins, hard to turn into a probe that can be used apart from a circuit board. An other disadvantage for this application is that i can use only 4 DS1620·temperature sensors,·because a DS1620 needs a three pin connection with the BS-II.·That could eliminate my project's intensions.··
· On the other hand for·every AD592 probe you need one pin connection to the BSII,·but·you use the rctime command, in order to do the necessary calibration. Would that be effective? Would it be better to use a A/D converter to read the AD592 probe ? But, if i do that, 3 pins would be required for every·A/D converter.That could also·eliminate my project's intensions.·
Please, any suggestions??
Thank you in advance,
·"If you build it, they will come."
If you have a BS2p or 'pe or 'px, another option is the one-wire DS18B20. A one-wire network is made by stringing all the sensors out on one pair or triplet of wires. Each sensor has its own unique digital address. The wiring for an extended system is much simplified.
The AD592 with RCtime will not be as accurate as the AD592 with an ADC. That is due largely to drift and similar issues with the RCtime command. There are analog to digital converters that have multiple channels but still only a few wires required from the Stamp. For example, I use the TLC2543, which has 11 input channels and has a 4 wire connection to the Stamp. The ADC chip takes a command to select a channel and then returns data from that channel.
Tracy Allen
It uses a SHT15 chip, only uses one signal pin AND gives you the option of measuring relative humidity as well. It also includes the code. I haven't tried that chip or code, but I'm looking forward to it someday.
- Stephen
Chapter 7 of the PARALLAX BS1 app notes sescribes a method using RCTime a thermister and the math to straighten the curve. You can use MSExcel instead of GASFIT to work the coefficients. http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/appnt/stamps/bs1Appnotes.pdf·I am note sure if GASFIT is still supported by PARALLAX.