low cost pcb prototypes?
Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for recommendations for companies that make quick pcb prototype boards.
Preferably 2 layer, drill holes with thru plating.
10 years ago, I designed this in Protel or Orcad PCB and it laid out the components.
When I was cheap, I printed it on toner transfer paper and ironed it to a copper clad board then dissolved it in acid.
Worked out ok but was a pain in the butt, especially hand drilling with a cheap drill press.
Anyway, I'm looking to design some circuits again and figure technology must have improved.
What's the best way these days to make a quick single or dual layer board?
I have access to a Haas VF4 CNC machine that I assume would be able to use some cutting bits to remove copper clad quickly and drill holes at least for single sided boards.
For dual layer boards, I think it's easier to outsource it.
Any company suggestions for 1 off boards that are very inexpensive? Most companies I've seen want bigger quantities. Thanks in advance.
Preferably 2 layer, drill holes with thru plating.
10 years ago, I designed this in Protel or Orcad PCB and it laid out the components.
When I was cheap, I printed it on toner transfer paper and ironed it to a copper clad board then dissolved it in acid.
Worked out ok but was a pain in the butt, especially hand drilling with a cheap drill press.
Anyway, I'm looking to design some circuits again and figure technology must have improved.
What's the best way these days to make a quick single or dual layer board?
I have access to a Haas VF4 CNC machine that I assume would be able to use some cutting bits to remove copper clad quickly and drill holes at least for single sided boards.
For dual layer boards, I think it's easier to outsource it.
Any company suggestions for 1 off boards that are very inexpensive? Most companies I've seen want bigger quantities. Thanks in advance.
- Stephen
'Still some PropSTICK Kit bare PCBs left!
print the top reflected image
and the bottom regular
but in your case since you have a cnc availble I would do one side
then flip the board over and do the other side
You should be able to export each layer