RTC help
So Im messing around with the DS1302 RTC. Im using the DS1302 template found in this forum. I want to make a pin high if the minutes are below 15. Im having trouble figuring out the syntax to make this happen. The line Im having issues with is:
IF HEX2 mins<15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
Obviously Im new, be gentle... Thanks!
' =========================================================================
' File...... DS1302_Template.bs2
' Purpose... Template For DS1302 Clock & RAM Functions
' Author.... Chris Savage -- Parallax, Inc.
' E-mail.... csavage@parallax.com
' Started...
' Updated... 04-26-2006
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
' This is a template for using the DS1302 in your own program. The I/O pin
' declarations, constants, variables and subroutines are already in place
' for you to use. Please see the DS1302_Demo.bs2 code for a more detailed
' explanation of how each section works. You can remove what you don't use
' without issue.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
DataIO PIN 8 ' DS1302.6
Clock_RTC PIN 7 ' DS1302.7
CS1302 PIN 9 ' DS1302.5
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
WrSecs CON $80 ' Write Seconds
RdSecs CON $81 ' Read Seconds
WrMins CON $82 ' Write Minutes
RdMins CON $83 ' Read Minutes
WrHrs CON $84 ' Write Hours
RdHrs CON $85 ' Read Hours
CWPr CON $8E ' Write Protect Register
WPr1 CON $80 ' Set Write Protect
WPr0 CON $00 ' Clear Write Protect
WrBurst CON $BE ' Write Burst Of Data
RdBurst CON $BF ' Read Burst Of Data
WrRam CON $C0 ' Write RAM Data
RdRam CON $C1 ' Read RAM Data
Hr24 CON 0 ' 24 Hour Mode
Hr12 CON 1 ' 12 Hour Mode
modeFlag CON 0 ' Force 24 hour mode
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
index VAR Byte ' Loop Counter
reg VAR Byte ' Read/Write Address
ioByte_RTC VAR Byte ' Data To/From DS1302
secs VAR Byte ' Seconds
secs01 VAR secs.LOWNIB
secs10 VAR secs.HIGHNIB
mins VAR Byte ' Minutes
mins01 VAR mins.LOWNIB
mins10 VAR mins.HIGHNIB
hrs VAR Byte ' Hours
hrs01 VAR hrs.LOWNIB
hrs10 VAR hrs.HIGHNIB
date VAR Byte
month VAR Byte
day VAR Nib ' Day
year VAR Byte ' Year
ampm VAR hrs.BIT5 ' AM/PM Flag Bit
clockMode VAR hrs.BIT7 ' 12/24 Hour Mode Bit
ampmFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = AM, 1 = PM
'modeFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = 24, 1 = 12 (Hours)
work VAR Byte ' Work Data
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
Sun DATA "SUN", 0 ' Day Abbreviations
Mon DATA "MON", 0
Tue DATA "TUE", 0 ' These data statements could
Wed DATA "WED", 0 ' contain the full day name and
Thu DATA "THU", 0 ' the code would still work
Fri DATA "FRI", 0 ' without change.
Sat DATA "SAT", 0
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
reg = CWPr ' Initialize DS1302
ioByte_RTC = WPr0 ' Clear Write Protect
GOSUB RTC_Out ' Send Command
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
DO ' Place your main routines here
GOSUB Get_Time ' Get The Current Date/Time
GOSUB Show_Time ' Display It
'IF HEX2 mins<15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
PAUSE 1000
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
' This routine uses DEBUG to display the Date/Time information but you
' would customize the routine to display the data you want on the device
' you want. Not all information needs to be displayed.
LOOKUP (day - 1), [noparse][[/noparse]Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat], work
DO ' Display Day Abbreviation
READ work, ioByte_RTC ' Read Each Character Into ioByte_RTC
IF (ioByte_RTC = 0) THEN EXIT ' If 0 then done
DEBUG ioByte_RTC ' Send Character To DEBUG Screen
work = work + 1 ' Increment Address
LOOP ' Next Character, If 0 Then Done
'modeFlag = clockMode ' Save 12/24 Hour Clock Mode
clockMode = 0 ' Clear BIT7
ampmFlag = ampm ' Save AM/PM Flag
IF modeFlag = 1 THEN ampm = 0 ' Clear BIT5 (12 Hour Mode only!)
DEBUG " ", HEX2 month, "/", HEX2 date, "/", HEX2 year, " "
IF (modeFlag = Hr24) THEN ' Check For 24 Hour Display mode
DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins ' Print Hours/Minutes
IF ampmFlag = 0 THEN
DEBUG " [noparse][[/noparse]", HEX2 secs, "]"
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg, ioByte_RTC]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg]
SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte_RTC]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
Set_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Write
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]WrBurst]
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs,
date, month, day, year, 0]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
Get_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Read
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]RdBurst]
SHIFTIN DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
IF HEX2 mins<15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
Obviously Im new, be gentle... Thanks!
' =========================================================================
' File...... DS1302_Template.bs2
' Purpose... Template For DS1302 Clock & RAM Functions
' Author.... Chris Savage -- Parallax, Inc.
' E-mail.... csavage@parallax.com
' Started...
' Updated... 04-26-2006
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
' This is a template for using the DS1302 in your own program. The I/O pin
' declarations, constants, variables and subroutines are already in place
' for you to use. Please see the DS1302_Demo.bs2 code for a more detailed
' explanation of how each section works. You can remove what you don't use
' without issue.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
DataIO PIN 8 ' DS1302.6
Clock_RTC PIN 7 ' DS1302.7
CS1302 PIN 9 ' DS1302.5
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
WrSecs CON $80 ' Write Seconds
RdSecs CON $81 ' Read Seconds
WrMins CON $82 ' Write Minutes
RdMins CON $83 ' Read Minutes
WrHrs CON $84 ' Write Hours
RdHrs CON $85 ' Read Hours
CWPr CON $8E ' Write Protect Register
WPr1 CON $80 ' Set Write Protect
WPr0 CON $00 ' Clear Write Protect
WrBurst CON $BE ' Write Burst Of Data
RdBurst CON $BF ' Read Burst Of Data
WrRam CON $C0 ' Write RAM Data
RdRam CON $C1 ' Read RAM Data
Hr24 CON 0 ' 24 Hour Mode
Hr12 CON 1 ' 12 Hour Mode
modeFlag CON 0 ' Force 24 hour mode
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
index VAR Byte ' Loop Counter
reg VAR Byte ' Read/Write Address
ioByte_RTC VAR Byte ' Data To/From DS1302
secs VAR Byte ' Seconds
secs01 VAR secs.LOWNIB
secs10 VAR secs.HIGHNIB
mins VAR Byte ' Minutes
mins01 VAR mins.LOWNIB
mins10 VAR mins.HIGHNIB
hrs VAR Byte ' Hours
hrs01 VAR hrs.LOWNIB
hrs10 VAR hrs.HIGHNIB
date VAR Byte
month VAR Byte
day VAR Nib ' Day
year VAR Byte ' Year
ampm VAR hrs.BIT5 ' AM/PM Flag Bit
clockMode VAR hrs.BIT7 ' 12/24 Hour Mode Bit
ampmFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = AM, 1 = PM
'modeFlag VAR Bit ' 0 = 24, 1 = 12 (Hours)
work VAR Byte ' Work Data
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
Sun DATA "SUN", 0 ' Day Abbreviations
Mon DATA "MON", 0
Tue DATA "TUE", 0 ' These data statements could
Wed DATA "WED", 0 ' contain the full day name and
Thu DATA "THU", 0 ' the code would still work
Fri DATA "FRI", 0 ' without change.
Sat DATA "SAT", 0
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
reg = CWPr ' Initialize DS1302
ioByte_RTC = WPr0 ' Clear Write Protect
GOSUB RTC_Out ' Send Command
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
DO ' Place your main routines here
GOSUB Get_Time ' Get The Current Date/Time
GOSUB Show_Time ' Display It
'IF HEX2 mins<15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
PAUSE 1000
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
' This routine uses DEBUG to display the Date/Time information but you
' would customize the routine to display the data you want on the device
' you want. Not all information needs to be displayed.
LOOKUP (day - 1), [noparse][[/noparse]Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat], work
DO ' Display Day Abbreviation
READ work, ioByte_RTC ' Read Each Character Into ioByte_RTC
IF (ioByte_RTC = 0) THEN EXIT ' If 0 then done
DEBUG ioByte_RTC ' Send Character To DEBUG Screen
work = work + 1 ' Increment Address
LOOP ' Next Character, If 0 Then Done
'modeFlag = clockMode ' Save 12/24 Hour Clock Mode
clockMode = 0 ' Clear BIT7
ampmFlag = ampm ' Save AM/PM Flag
IF modeFlag = 1 THEN ampm = 0 ' Clear BIT5 (12 Hour Mode only!)
DEBUG " ", HEX2 month, "/", HEX2 date, "/", HEX2 year, " "
IF (modeFlag = Hr24) THEN ' Check For 24 Hour Display mode
DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
DEBUG HEX2 hrs, ":", HEX2 mins ' Print Hours/Minutes
IF ampmFlag = 0 THEN
DEBUG " [noparse][[/noparse]", HEX2 secs, "]"
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg, ioByte_RTC]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg]
SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock_RTC, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte_RTC]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
Set_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Write
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]WrBurst]
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs,
date, month, day, year, 0]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
Get_Time: ' DS1302 Burst Read
HIGH CS1302 ' Select DS1302
SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]RdBurst]
SHIFTIN DataIO, clock_RTC, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year]
LOW CS1302 ' Deselect DS1302
I can get the minutes on the debug screen if I use:
I must be missing some math or a command...
' =========================================================================
'·· File...... DS1302_Demo.bs2
'·· Purpose... Demonstrate The DS1302 Clock & RAM Functions
'·· Author.... Chris Savage -- Parallax, Inc.
'·· E-mail.... csavage@parallax.com
'·· Started...
'·· Updated... 10-09-2005
'·· {$STAMP BS2}
'·· {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
' This code demonstrates the use of the DS1302 RTC/RAM Chip with the BASIC
' Stamp 2 Microcontroller, making easy use of the 12 Hour & 24 Hour time
' modes, as well as accessing the RAM.· The sample code will use the DEBUG
' window for input and output for simplicity.· You can change the output
' to the device of your choice.· For example, using a Parallax Serial LCD
' requires very few changes to the code to use it for output.
' A modified version of this code was adapted to display the date and time
' on a Parallax Serial LCD Display (#27976), also with backlight (#27977)
' and on Parallax Professional Development Board (#28138, coming soon!)
' using a MAX7219 8-Digit Display Driver.
' This code will work on all BS2 Stamp Modules.
' The Parallax 2 X 16 Serial LCD Displays are availble at the following
' links:
' http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=27976
' http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=27977
' Pin Assignments
' 0·· DS1302 DataIO
' 1·· DS1302 Clock
' 2·· DS1302 Chip Select
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
DataIO········· PIN···· 0·············· ' DS1302.6
Clock·········· PIN···· 1·············· ' DS1302.7
CS1302········· PIN···· 2·············· ' DS1302.5
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
WrSecs········· CON···· $80············ ' Write Seconds
RdSecs········· CON···· $81············ ' Read Seconds
WrMins········· CON···· $82············ ' Write Minutes
RdMins········· CON···· $83············ ' Read Minutes
WrHrs·········· CON···· $84············ ' Write Hours
RdHrs·········· CON···· $85············ ' Read Hours
CWPr··········· CON···· $8E············ ' Write Protect Register
WPr1··········· CON···· $80············ ' Set Write Protect
WPr0··········· CON···· $00············ ' Clear Write Protect
WrBurst········ CON···· $BE············ ' Write Burst Of Data
RdBurst········ CON···· $BF············ ' Read Burst Of Data
WrRam·········· CON···· $C0············ ' Write RAM Data
RdRam·········· CON···· $C1············ ' Read RAM Data
Hr24··········· CON···· 0·············· ' 24 Hour Mode
Hr12··········· CON···· 1·············· ' 12 Hour Mode
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
index·········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Loop Counter
reg············ VAR···· Byte··········· ' Read/Write Address
ioByte········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Data To/From DS1302
secs··········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Seconds
secs01········· VAR···· secs.LOWNIB
secs10········· VAR···· secs.HIGHNIB
mins··········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Minutes
mins01········· VAR···· mins.LOWNIB
mins10········· VAR···· mins.HIGHNIB
hrs············ VAR···· Byte··········· ' Hours
hrs01·········· VAR···· hrs.LOWNIB
hrs10·········· VAR···· hrs.HIGHNIB
date··········· VAR···· Byte
month·········· VAR···· Byte
day············ VAR···· Nib············ ' Day
year··········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Year
ampm··········· VAR···· hrs.BIT5······· ' AM/PM Flag Bit
clockMode······ VAR···· hrs.BIT7······· ' 12/24 Hour Mode Bit
ampmFlag······· VAR···· Bit············ ' 0 = AM, 1 = PM
modeFlag······· VAR···· Bit············ ' 0 = 24, 1 = 12 (Hours)
work··········· VAR···· Byte··········· ' Work Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
· reg = CWPr··························· ' Initialize DS1302
· ioByte = WPr0························ ' Clear Write Protect
· GOSUB RTC_Out························ ' Send Command
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
··· Look at this part
mins = $00
secs = $00
GOSUB Set_Time
· GOSUB Get_Time
· DEBUG HOME, HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
· IF mins = $03 AND secs = $15 THEN EXIT
DEBUG CR, CR, "3:15 Elapsed"
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
· HIGH CS1302·························· ' Select DS1302
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg, ioByte]
· LOW CS1302··························· ' Deselect DS1302
· HIGH CS1302·························· ' Select DS1302
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]reg]
· SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]ioByte]
· LOW CS1302··························· ' Deselect DS1302
Set_Time:······························ ' DS1302 Burst Write
· HIGH CS1302·························· ' Select DS1302
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]WrBurst]
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs,
··· date, month, day, year, 0]
· LOW CS1302··························· ' Deselect DS1302
Get_Time:······························ ' DS1302 Burst Read
· HIGH CS1302·························· ' Select DS1302
· SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]RdBurst]
· SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year]
· LOW CS1302··························· ' Deselect DS1302
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 7/7/2008 9:46:59 PM GMT
Looks like all I need was to change:
IF HEX2 mins<15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
IF mins<$15 THEN HIGH 13 ELSE LOW 13 ' make pin 13 high if minutes are 0-15
Works like I wanted now. Not exactly sure what the $ does, but it does what I want.
Thanks again!
Instead of using low 13 and high 13 use a label like relay for pin 13 it would be
Relay·· PIN· ·13
Here is the example
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
DataIO········· ·PIN···· 0·············· ' DS1302.6
Clock··········· ·PIN···· 1·············· ' DS1302.7
CS1302········· PIN···· 2·············· ' DS1302.5
Relay··········· ·PIN···· 13
· GOSUB Get_Time
· DEBUG HOME, HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
· IF mins = $00 THEN HIGH relay ELSE LOW relay
You can do it this way but there others way to do it as well
· GOSUB Get_Time
· DEBUG HOME, HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
· IF mins < $15 THEN
· HIGH relay
· LOW relay
· GOSUB Get_Time
· DEBUG HOME, HEX2 mins, ":", HEX2 secs
· IF mins = $00 THEN
· HIGH relay
· IF mins = $15 THEN
· LOW relay
·The $ is for HEX values·and you will need to·use it for this Demo Code that I
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 7/8/2008 12:16:59 PM GMT