Race Game 5x5 LED Matrix
Well Finally after racking my brain and figuring it out.
I·have created my very own game from scratch.
It is a copy of an old atari game (not sure on name been to long ago)
The code used all but a hair of the EEPROM, Im sure it can be shortened.
The game uses two switches an A and B to move the car left or right.
Objects head downward and must be avoided.
When the level is completed it speeds up when failed it slows down the game speed.
Included there is a Schematic and my code
I used UPTB550 instead of 2N3904
Dr. Vetter
I·have created my very own game from scratch.
It is a copy of an old atari game (not sure on name been to long ago)
The code used all but a hair of the EEPROM, Im sure it can be shortened.
The game uses two switches an A and B to move the car left or right.
Objects head downward and must be avoided.
When the level is completed it speeds up when failed it slows down the game speed.
Included there is a Schematic and my code
I used UPTB550 instead of 2N3904
Dr. Vetter
It's a good demonstration of what can be accomplished with just a BS2 and a few external components.
My only failure was to understand how to have a set of 50 different steps setup in a list and only 1 was pulled for each step through a simple DO.....LOOP but I couldn't find the answer and felt that it was not possible
so this was the other way I did it cutting the extra off when I ran out of room.
I do feel good to know that I did learn alot about how things come together
and for that it was a great project.
Dr. Vetter
enjoy, now I did see that someone else has made a game just like mine
but he is useing the method I was trying to do
Over-all nice job for a 5x5 matrix.
more genaric then that
I think I'll have to go to my mom's and see her collection of atari games
(it's bugging the s#!t out of me)
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I.
www.brilldea.com·- Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, uOLED-IOC
www.sxmicro.com - a blog·exploring the SX micro
I am relativly new at this so bear with me. I am wanting to build a 8 x 8 matrix racing game like the one that was done here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVTRdPzm3pg&feature=related
I don't know how to work the matrix very well or code it.
Would it be to hard to code with the Bs2e?
Thanks for any help!
Dan Taylor