Latching relay circuit question?
I am trying to send an output pulse of 25ms from P1 to a latching relay that requires more than 20ma to actuate, so directly trying to control the latching relay from the 5V pulse·source of P1·will not work. However, conecting·my latching relay directly to VIN is enough to get the relay to·switch. My question is how do I configure my Homework board to use·the VIN on a 25ms pulse from P1?·My latching relay coil works on low voltage and·actuates a·120VAC switch.
describes how to use a transistor to safely use the output from a Stamp pin to control a motor or relay.
Another option would be to use a solid state relay (SSR), taking care to choose one that has a switching input that is within the voltage / current range of the BS2.
Jeff T.
I couldn't find an SSR, but I will keep looking.. Fry's and RadioShack don't carry them. I did get two small reed relays to work though. The nominal coil voltage for the reed relay·is 11ma which the BS2 has.·The·reed relay· activated· the VIN circuits·9v·which is enough to·actuate my·latching relay.··I need two reed relays, one connected to P1 and one connected to·P2 to send opposited on/off signal pulses·to the latching relay. I hope to find one·SSR to do this later.
Thanks Again,
Mark W.·
Thanks for the info. What kind of diode should I use specifically? As I'm new to building circuits, could you point me to a schematic or tutorial on how to connect the diodes properly?