relay power supply question
Hey my relays that were soldered recently broke (wires came off solder) The only other relays I have access to where i live are 12 VDC 5 amp dpdt relays in which fit on a breaboard (checked).
My only problem is I was using the 5 volt regulator on the board of education by parallax before to power them because my last ones that broke were 5VDC.
I do have a 12 volt transformer so can I still have the basic stamp pin activate a tranister and then actiavte the relay only using an external power source to energize the coils? in other words, instead of using VDD and VSS on the Board of education, just use the + and - on my 12 volt power supply.
My only problem is I was using the 5 volt regulator on the board of education by parallax before to power them because my last ones that broke were 5VDC.
I do have a 12 volt transformer so can I still have the basic stamp pin activate a tranister and then actiavte the relay only using an external power source to energize the coils? in other words, instead of using VDD and VSS on the Board of education, just use the + and - on my 12 volt power supply.
- Stephen
Hope this helps you help me.
I did follow the directions you gave me.
I forgot the protection diode on the diagram, i will add it to the circuit though.
Please let me know if this will let me use my 12 volt relays.
Post Edited (firealarmfreak) : 7/7/2008 3:23:33 AM GMT
PS. I did not make this particular diagram.
- Stephen
(I may be the only one that feels this way so I shouldn't have used 'we' in this post and I appologize to those that don't feel the same as I do.)
- Stephen
Keep buying replacement parts and sooner or later you will get it RIGHT!
- Stephen
This should be alot better then the diagram.
Ok here is a video of me explaining my set up and problem showing all my connections.