interconnecting basic stamp II and Arduino Diecimila is it possible??
Im working on a project at my university related with robots. And what I need to do is to try to connect the arduino Diecimila, and the basic stamp II, so they can recive and send information to each other. For example, connecting a distance·sensor in the Arduino, and the servo-motors in the basic stamp 2 , so in a determined distance the robot has to·take another·direction.
But I don't know how to connect them and make a program using the data provided by the arduino.
any help....
Im working on a project at my university related with robots. And what I need to do is to try to connect the arduino Diecimila, and the basic stamp II, so they can recive and send information to each other. For example, connecting a distance·sensor in the Arduino, and the servo-motors in the basic stamp 2 , so in a determined distance the robot has to·take another·direction.
But I don't know how to connect them and make a program using the data provided by the arduino.
any help....
You'll also need to implement some simple "handshaking" protocol, since the BS2 can ONLY recieve data when it's sitting in a "SERIN" statement. So you'll need some "master/slave" signalling approach -- which can be VERY simple.
One very simple approach is an "ACK/NAK" approach. Send a "sync" byte, then your message. If the BS2 doesn't get the "Sync" byte, it sends a "!" character to say "no good", or a "." character to indicate it DID get it.