Relay question
Hey im aware this is a basic stamp forum but mabe somebody knows how to answer my relay question since people often use relays to activate high load devices from the basic stamp.
I have this relay here: and it is SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) and It should have 5 pins but according to the data sheet that is accessable through the link i provided, it has 6 pins and I am not sure which ones are Normaly Open, Normally Closed, Coil and Common.
If anyone can post a diagram showing me and showing me how to find out that would be great.
Post Edited (firealarmfreak) : 7/2/2008 4:34:52 AM GMT
I have this relay here: and it is SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) and It should have 5 pins but according to the data sheet that is accessable through the link i provided, it has 6 pins and I am not sure which ones are Normaly Open, Normally Closed, Coil and Common.
If anyone can post a diagram showing me and showing me how to find out that would be great.
Post Edited (firealarmfreak) : 7/2/2008 4:34:52 AM GMT
The coil has a measurable resistance, a couple hundred ohms.· Then, the remaining terminals are the NO, NC, C; you can find which is which by process of elimination (mini-grabbers or clips instead of probes is a real help at this stage),·"ohmming" between them, turning the coil on/off.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support$file/G5V-1_0607.pdf
hope this helps
5 & 6 are internally connected together·and are the common·side switch.
1 to 5/6 is normally closed
10 to 5/6 is normally open.
2 & 9 are the coil.
From bottom:
1···· 2············· 5