EEPROM verify failure
I am new to this forum and basic stamp in general, I have searched for help on this subject
but have been unable to find anything, sorry if it is a simple or obvious or answered question.
I have the BS2 on a GROWBOT board which I am trying to get to know how to use.
It only has the 2 servos, 2 led's and piezo speaker.
I have writen and dowloaded a few basic programs which worked and ran OK so I am sure that I
am doing everything correctly, all of a sudden when attempting to download it responds with a
"EEPROM verify failure" error message
Does this mean the EEPROM is damaged, it has only been written too a few hundred times?
How do I go about fault finding this?
Thank you in advance
I am new to this forum and basic stamp in general, I have searched for help on this subject
but have been unable to find anything, sorry if it is a simple or obvious or answered question.
I have the BS2 on a GROWBOT board which I am trying to get to know how to use.
It only has the 2 servos, 2 led's and piezo speaker.
I have writen and dowloaded a few basic programs which worked and ran OK so I am sure that I
am doing everything correctly, all of a sudden when attempting to download it responds with a
"EEPROM verify failure" error message
Does this mean the EEPROM is damaged, it has only been written too a few hundred times?
How do I go about fault finding this?
Thank you in advance
1. Worn out EEPROM. Only happens if you've been using the "WRITE" command.
2. Loose cable.
3. Flaky connection IN the cable.
4. Low power supply/low battery
5. Bad grounding -- either serial cable to board, or battery to board, or both.
Thank you for the detailed response, I should be able to fault find it now.
No great thing is created suddenly. - Epictetus (A.D.200)