Load Resistors for HomeWork Board
·· I'm reading the Parallax text for the IR·LED and Detector pair (pt#'s 350-00014·& 350-00017) and it
shows the LED connected to a 220-ohm resistor and the detector's output directly connected to a
Stamp pin.·· I understand the HomeWork Board I am using has built-in 220-ohm resistors.· Does this
schematic apply to the HomeWork Board or should I omit the LED current limiting resistor?
································ THANK-YOU
shows the LED connected to a 220-ohm resistor and the detector's output directly connected to a
Stamp pin.·· I understand the HomeWork Board I am using has built-in 220-ohm resistors.· Does this
schematic apply to the HomeWork Board or should I omit the LED current limiting resistor?
································ THANK-YOU