basic stamp tutorial
· I am going through the basic stamp tutorial.
· When i get to say page 57 , how do i check for solution.
· When i get to say page 57 , how do i check for solution.
A lot of the specific questions raised in the tutorials are answered in that section. In the case of exercises / activities, these are meant to be worked through and it should be clear what is supposed to happen when the circuit works. If you're concerned whether you have the "right" solution, that's not the issue in the tutorials. It's more a matter of "does it work as described?" and "do you understand why and how based on the examples and explanation given so far?".
If you don't understand something or you have questions that don't seem to be answered as you work further in the tutorial, do ask here. Be sure to give enough information. It helps to post a schematic or drawing of your circuit and a copy of your program. If you have an exact copy of something from a tutorial, go back and double check that what you actually have wired up is what is shown in the tutorial. You may not appreciate how many times someone has posted a report of a problem with a tutorial activity and, after some checking, has found a poor connection or broken wire or other difference between what's in the picture and what's on the breadboard. It's the same thing with programs. People make mistakes in copying them. If possible, include these as attachments to a brief message that explains what you're trying to do and what happened when you tried it.